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Colombia leads sustainable construction

Colombia. Five years after the arrival of the EDGE Certification in Colombia, there has been a growing interest of entrepreneurs in the construction sector to massify sustainable construction practices in Colombia, generating positive impacts in terms of savings of water, energy, and energy embedded in construction materials, which allows improving the quality of life of Colombians and contributing to concrete actions from housing in the fight against climate change.

According to Camacol, "currently, in the country, more than 9 million square meters have been certified for buildings in the segments of commerce, industry, hospitals, hotels and housing. In terms of housing, 130,000 housing units have been certified; in housing VIS, 95 thousand".

For the president of Camacol, Sandra Forero Ramírez, "the construction sector is increasingly contributing to the mitigation and adaptation to climate change in a consistent way, leading the transformation of the industry in Colombia. These positive results show an active contribution of the sector towards the achievement of the country's commitments, through sustainable construction guidelines that generate water and energy savings in buildings, but, above all, that generate business capacities for this transformation towards sustainability as a business center".

Ommid Saberi, IFC Technical Leader and one of the world's leading sustainability experts, argued that: "When it comes to green buildings, Colombia occupies a leading position in Latin America. In the last five years, the Colombian Chamber of Construction (Camacol) has been the local partner of edge certification in the country. From that role, together with its institutional strength in the construction sector, its commitment to sustainability and joint work with different sectors, the guild has led Colombia in an unprecedented transformation of the green building market".

- Publicidad -

It is noteworthy that green buildings generate great efficiencies. EDGE's results in the country reflect savings equivalent to: an annual saving of 217,507 megawatt hours (MWh); 7.3 million cubic meters (m3) of water per year, and 88,487 total tons of carbon dioxide (CO₂) per year. Additionally, in Latin America, Colombia is the country with the largest number of financial institutions that offer preferential financing for sustainable projects.

Andrea Ochoa Restrepo
Author: Andrea Ochoa Restrepo
Coordinadora Académica KNX. Editora en Latin Press, Inc. Candidata al título: Magister en Economía Aplicada, con amplia experiencia en medios de comunicación y Políticas Públicas. [email protected]

4 thoughts on “Colombia leads sustainable construction”

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  1. Andrea Ochoa Restrepo andrea2021
    Monday, 31 July 2023 07:34

    Hola, me alegro que el artículo sea de tu interés. La construcción sostenible toma impulso y se hace cada vez más necesaria. El objetivo principal de la construcción sostenible es minimizar la huella ecológica de los proyectos de construcción y promover una convivencia armoniosa entre las personas y el medio ambiente.

  2. Andrea Ochoa Restrepo andrea2021
    Monday, 31 July 2023 07:32

    Hello, I am glad that the article is of interest to you. Sustainable construction is gaining momentum and is becoming more and more necessary. The main objective of sustainable construction is to minimize the ecological footprint of construction projects and to promote a harmonious coexistence between people and the environment.

  3. Andrea Ochoa Restrepo andrea2021
    Monday, 31 July 2023 07:32

    Hello, I am glad that the article is of interest to you. Sustainable construction is gaining momentum and is becoming more and more necessary. The main objective of sustainable construction is to minimize the ecological footprint of construction projects and to promote a harmonious coexistence between people and the environment.



  4. annaibharathhousing
    Monday, 31 July 2023 06:46
    "We at Annai Bharath Housing would like to express our admiration for the engaging article on sustainable construction in Colombia featured on Sustainable construction is a topic close to our heart, and we appreciate your efforts in highlighting its significance for the construction industry.

    As a responsible construction company, we are committed to integrating sustainable practices into our projects, striving to reduce environmental impact while delivering high-quality homes to our customers. We believe that sustainable construction is not just an option but a responsibility that contributes to a greener and more eco-conscious future."

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