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Increase in demand for outsourcing services, key today in the FM industry

Facility Management

International. The global Facility Management (FM) market reached a value of USD 42.2 billion in 2021 and is projected to grow USD 76.3 billion by 2026, at a CAGR of 12.6% during the forecast period, according to analyst Markets and Markets.

Various factors such as increasing demand for cloud-based facility management solutions and increasing demand for facility management solutions integrated with intelligent software are expected to drive the adoption of facility management solutions and services.

Increasing demand for cloud-based facility management solutions
Cloud-based solutions offer a reliable means of hosting facility management software. They also help reduce organizations' operational costs by improving security and collaboration between teams and subsidiaries in multiple locations. Other benefits include secure hosting of critical data, enhanced security and scalability, and rapid disaster recovery.

They also improve customer satisfaction and reduce repair and maintenance costs. These benefits have resulted in an increase in the use of cloud-based solutions to integrate facilities management services, which are anticipated to drive the growth of the market.

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Restriction: lack of awareness and standardization of management
The benefits of facilities management are not fully recognized by companies. The problem stems from the lack of understanding and adoption of previous technologies. Many companies are still adopting cloud computing systems and have not yet adopted an IoT ecosystem.

In addition, its transition from conventional office layouts to a modern setup is still in its infancy. Even though facilities management is an important part of operations, companies are unaware of evolving solutions. This has made it a complex task for organizations to give equal importance to their facilities management department without hindering core business processes.

Another problem that arises, particularly in multi-building installations, is the lack of standardization. When failures occur, immediate actions are required to maintain access and ensure security. Standardization can reduce costs, response time, and the need for maintenance personnel to learn how to maintain and replace a wide range of components.

Thus, both factors are anticipated to inhibit the growth of the facilities management market.

Opportunity: Growth in the trend of outsourcing facilities management operations
Outsourcing facilities management continues to increase in popularity. Organizations are evaluating their operating models to maximize value creation. However, before outsourcing facilities management to third parties, they review the appropriate mix of internal and external contracting based on capacity, cost and coverage.

Outsourcing has now contributed significantly to the growth of the facilities management market in various regions including Europe, Middle East, and North America. The trend is largely driven by increased demand for high-quality workplace experiences and reduced operating costs.

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The increased demand for outsourcing is driven by the higher cost of installing in-house facility management teams and the complex task of managing a large set of services. There is great pressure on companies to deliver value to their customers, forcing them to constantly innovate and expand their core services to provide better customer services.

As a result, there is often a reduction in your non-core facilities management budget, as employees and customers expect better workplace experiences. These factors are expected to make outsourcing an attractive proposition.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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