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Companies get the results for which they are aligned

(second installment)
On the way to alignment shareholders/staff/customers, different paradigms must be circumvented, but closely linked to each other.
by Juan Pablo D'Onofrio
to. Hospitality is a simple operating business

b. Build it...they will come

c. Conjunctures do not allow us to sustain consistent strategies

d. We have to find and copy the formula of the successful

If we really want to align the company towards lasting success goals... it's time to change those paradigms!

- Publicidad -

to. Hospitality is a simple operating business. But the operation of an establishment requires meeting requirements that in practice, human conditions, transform into complexes. It is necessary to unite attitudes and techniques that are often ignored.
b. Until about 25 years ago, it was enough to build a  hotel establishment for customers to enter ... sometimes even despite the operational policies of the hotel de marras. For this it is good to "get used to getting used to getting used to it".
c. The country, region or area where there are no negative situations to the progress of the business is exceptional. The trader must distinguish between changes in tactics and modification of his strategy. Of course, starting from the basis that you have a strategy.... They should not be confused; only if changes in tactics are very frequent should we face the strategic review
d. Search to copy the formula of the successful is like the search for El Dorado!  We regret to disappoint in this illusion.... For Alquimia Hospitality Group there is only one way to achieve success: Do your homework seriously and consistently!   

Each establishment must really work on its strengths, reduce the impact of its weaknesses and align the company among other reasons, to survive the storms.

Yes we see, there are two common places in successful companies that must be considered in our hotel activity: create value and consider the cost of non-quality. These two visions are highly recommended for the hotel industry.

Create value

We said in our previous note that this is the paradigm that successful companies develop by incorporating it into their management models. By initially creating value for the customer, the cascade to shareholders and staff occurs.

It is vital for this to know the factors that we call CQAs (Critical to quality attributes) of your specific customers in the different segments if any.

We know that from the customer's perspective there are common factors that integrate the attributes most valued by the guest: price, quality, time, function, association, brand.

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That is why it is vital to know in each establishment how each factor weighs in the customer experience. Let's not forget that it is common to find hotel operations that are aligned by the tastes, talents, inclinations of those responsible for the shift and NOT by the expectations of customers

We are frequently consulted how to access them... we think that the best way is to consult themselves!

At all stages of the project: in the conception of the project, during the operation and after the provision. Then, for the verification of how close we are to meeting those expectations, there is an infallible, very economical instrument: to consult our staff.  If we create a climate conducive to being told to the staff, we will get the best possible measurement.

Let's see what the value equation is for the customer:

VALUE= TOTAL BENEFIT - TOTAL  COST (Perceived profit)       
•Tangible Benefits: the physical good or service received, mileage, gifts, savings, guarantees
•Intangible Benefits: level of service, treatment and attitudes, speed
In TOTAL COST we have: 
•Tangible Cost: price, faults, defects                   
•Intangible Cost: image, tensions, distrust, delays

In a next note we will reflect on the cost of NO quality

- Publicidad -

Until next time!

* Juan Pablo D'Onofrio is President of Alquimia Hospitality Group

Previous title: Alignment of  shareholders – personnel – customers – results

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