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How I could live without the Internet

In addition to being editor of this magazine I am the editor of seven other publications; this job forces me to travel with some frequency, though not as much as a sales executive. However, I have become accustomed to the beds of the hotels, the pillows and the different comforts that are in these establishments, which end up turning them into a second home.

And one of the things that makes me feel at home the most is the free internet connection offered by many of the hotels in the region. Arriving at an establishment and feeling that you can interact with the world, inform yourself of everything that has happened in a certain region of the planet, by the means you want to read and not those that force you is freedom. The truth often becomes uncomfortable to have to turn on the television to watch one or another newscast.

But when I arrive at a hotel and realize that to use the Internet I have to pay, I feel a deep disappointment, because I very respectfully think that this should be a free service, like television, radio and in many cases the telephone. I feel like trapped, incommunicado, in other words I stop feeling at home. I do not know operationally the value of offering this service, but I would not like to think that it is too high for some hotels to have chosen not to provide it.

I once spoke with the CEO of the Wyndham chain and he told me that the Internet was one of the added values they were offering guests as a tool to differentiate themselves and stay in these difficult times, that although they talk about an economic improvement this will not be seen definitively until next year.

When I learned that the Wyndham was doing it, I felt some satisfaction, because I think I am not the only one who lacks Internet, especially in these days when one feels the enormous need to find out immediately about almost everything that happens. Very often I repeat to myself: "I don't know how I could live without the Internet." When I leave a hotel where I was restricted this service I simply exclaim and think "how could I be these days so far from the world".

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