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easyFair modern restoration arrives in Madrid

On February 16 and 17, 2011, at Ifema

easyFair modern restoration arrives in Madrid

Annual meeting of modern catering professionals looking for solutions and novelties in fast food and beverages, equipment and machinery, vending, crockery and utensils, cleaning, textile, furniture and decoration, with special emphasis on the food of 4th and 5th range.


The concept of easyFair fairs is transferred to restoration. These are commercial platforms that allow to increase the network of contacts, in just two days, with the professionals of the main chains and franchises of food, catering services, collectives, managers of cafeterias, ice cream parlors, bars and other urban food establishments. It is the only show of these characteristics to be held in Madrid, a city that concentrates 25 per 100 of the main modern restaurant chains, which account for 80 per 100 of the total turnover of this market segment. New trends in the horeca sector A hundred exhibitors will show the trends in: food and beverages; equipment and small machinery; vending and self-service; catering services; tableware; single-use utensils and products; laundry; cleaning; textiles and uniforms; furniture and decoration; refrigeration equipment; food packaging; technology and IT management; security services; control and management; among others. It will be the meeting point for Purchasing and R&D directors of food chains and franchises; distributors and agents of food, beverages and equipment; managers and heads of kitchen of restaurants, cafes and bars; managers of fast food establishments, 24-hour stores, service areas and airports; purchasing managers of department stores, shopping centers and purchasing centers; managers of ice cream parlors, bakeries and pastry shops; responsible for purchasing corporate catering and collectives; managers of pubs, nightclubs and casinos; responsible for purchasing theme parks, leisure establishments and sports centers; subcontractors of hospitals, residences and schools; installers and distributors of catering equipment; and restaurant interior designers. Professionals visiting the lounge can enjoy additional services such as demonstrations and tastings. In addition, they will be able to attend a double cycle of independent seminars, free learnShops. They will deal with brief and specialized presentations, along with successful case studies, which will offer the latest developments in catering by relevant professionals in the sector. The organization expects to exceed 3,000 professional visitors, national and international. Admission is free and only for professionals.

More information on the salon's website.

News added on 31-08-2010

See original.

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