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Esperanza Aguirre delivers the diplomas of the Labor Insertion Program for Women at Risk of Exclusion

More than 80 per 100 of the participants have found work

Esperanza Aguirre delivers the diplomas of the Labor Insertion Program for Women at Risk of Exclusion

On November 15, the president of the Community of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre, presided over the ceremony of delivery of the diplomas of the experimental program in employment aimed at women victims of gender violence and immigrants at risk of social exclusion developed by the CEHAT Foundation in collaboration with the Tomillo Foundation, and which aims to incorporate its participants into the hospitality sector.


With this event, in which Juan Molas, president of the CEHAT Foundation; Javier Lantero, president of the Tomillo Foundation; Sebastián Escarrer, vice president of Sol Meliá; Plácido Arango García-Urtiaga, president of the Vips Group and Paloma Adrados, Minister of Employment, Women and Immigration of the Community of Madrid, the first edition of this program is completed.

The project, which has had the involvement of the Sol Meliá Group and the VIPS Group since its inception, has consisted of the teaching of professional training courses for maids, kitchen assistants and waitresses and in the subsequent realization of work practices prior to hiring, all in the facilities of both companies. This first edition has closed with excellent results since more than 80 per 100 of the participating women are already hired in hospitality companies in the Community of Madrid.

Through this initiative, the CEHAT Foundation contributes to the social and labor integration of these groups in the Spanish hotel and tourism sector, and thus fulfills the mission for which it was created just over a year ago. The Community of Madrid also consolidates its commitment to the progressive implementation of experimental programmes in the field of employment, a task it has been carrying out since 2005. And the Tomillo Foundation brings its knowledge and experience in the implementation of this type of program, especially aimed at groups at risk of exclusion.

Through the design and implementation of training courses and the subsequent management of women's work practices in restaurants, cafeterias and hotel establishments collaborating with the CEHAT Foundation, the program has proven to be an effective instrument for women at risk of exclusion to regain their confidence in the future and access a platform that allows them to develop their working lives.

- Publicidad -

News added on 22-11-2010

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