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NH Hoteles and OTIS: new more sustainable lifts

They will supply energy to the recharging points of electric cars

NH Hoteles and OTIS: new more sustainable lifts

The agreement in the environmental expectations of both companies has materialized in the integration of OTIS within the NH Sostenible Club, a platform formed by the company's main suppliers focused on studying more eco-responsible solutions for hotel establishments.

NH Hoteles and OTIS have taken another step in their commitment to a more sustainable future by adapting the hotel chain's elevators to make them more eco-responsible. Thanks to the installation of the regenerative Drive ReGen Drive, these elevators will be able to supply part of their power for the recharging of electric vehicles at the supply points of the hotel itself.

In 2009, OTIS incorporated into its GEN2 Comfort model a regenerative drive capable of producing energy for other electrical elements connected to the network of the building where the elevator is installed. In this way, part of the energy produced by its movement can be reused for the recharging of electric vehicles at the charging points installed at NH Hoteles.

NH Hoteles, which already offers 44 charging points spread over 36 European cities, has an alert system that notifies the hotel reception or the client himself (to his mobile phone or email address) when the vehicle is fully recharged or of possible incidents in case there is any type of failure in the recharge process. Thanks to its pioneering SICVE system (Integral Electric Vehicle Charging System) the charging points manage to acquire the quality of universal, thus being compatible with all brands and vehicle manufacturers.

According to the agreement reached by both companies, NH Hoteles, in addition to homologating its elevators, will lend its infrastructures for the recharging of the electric vehicles that OTIS allocates for the maintenance routes of the elevators of the chain. In this way, the first vehicle will cover the route located in the financial center of Madrid, whose charging base will be located in Madrid's NH Eurobuilding, which currently has two conventional seats and one adapted for the disabled. In this way OTIS, with the replacement of the usual vehicles by electric cars, will save 2,900 kg of CO2 in the 25,000 km of route traveled for the maintenance of its elevators.

News added on 24-11-2010

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