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Hotels in Menorca for a dream holiday in the Balearic Islands

16 August, 2011 by globalhotels

We would not be discovering anything new if we say that Menorca is a place of particular natural charm. So much so that in 1993 Menorca became a Biosphere Reserve, declared by Unesco. The care of the environment and natural landscapes is a particular characteristic of the Menorcan spirit, whose inhabitants have understood the importance of preserving the natural spaces that have characterized this region so much. The important local biodiversity, together with the superior quality of the hotels in Menorca, creates the perfect combination to make these islands a tourist destination of excellence.

The region's ecosystem is unique in the world, with a large number of native plants and animals, many of which are endangered. Urban developments have sought to preserve the environment, while enhancing the natural beauty of the local geography. An almost obligatory site is the Albufera d'es Grau Natural Park. Here we seek to preserve the ecosystem of the lagoon, that is, the coastal lagoons of salt water. The dunes, the expanses of grass and the grasslands where seabirds proliferate make up the typical picture that can be found in this surprising place.

An icon of tourism and local charm are the amazing beaches that can be found on this island. One of the most outstanding features is the low pollution of its waters, which results in an exuberance of marine fauna, which make them the ideal place for diving. There are also more than 10 caves at the bottom of the sea, perfect for a photographic expedition along the rich seabed. Much of the coastal coastline is trimmed by steep ravines, which gives the island's shores that characteristic appearance.

Consequently, with the care for the environment so embodied in this town, Menorca offers itself for ecotourism in a particular way. Thus, an option of great value for visitors is the possibility of excursions through hiking and cycling, covering large natural spaces, without pollution for the environment. Menorca offers around 220 km of coastline, where you can find more than 50 beaches, one of the attractions that together with the superior quality of the hotels in Menorca is more than a valid argument to make this island our next holiday destination.

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Global Hotels


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