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Attractions and Hotels in Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona is the capital and most populous city of Catalonia, it is the second city of Spain. Barcelona not only has a rich heritage, but also an important cultural center and is the destination of many tourists. It is one of the cities with the highest cost of living in Spain. It is famous for the parks and beaches.

Parks include historic parks, urban parks, botanical parks and forest parks. Barcelona is a Mediterranean city for its geographical location, history, cultural influence and tradition. With the onset of industrialization in the 19th century, Barcelona experienced economic revival and spectacular growth.

Barcelona is not just a single city, but a collection of diverse cities. Visitors may not be familiar with its history, but the city retains its historic center that has become a main center of tourists and, in turn has led to the emergence of Barcelona hotels, any Hotel in Barcelona will provide you with an optimal service whatever your budget.

Many of these hotels are located in the heart of the city, close to metro stations and an excellent connection to bus routes. The bus service is easily accessible, shopping centers are within walking distance. Many of the hotels in Barcelona Spain are located near the beaches, to add fun and excitement to the lives of its visitors.

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These Barcelona hotels are wonderfully designed with comfortable accommodation and several additional features, such as attentive and immediate in-room service, recreational activities and warm hospitality. One can experience the comfort of their home while enjoying the rooms.

However, these luxury hotels are not easily accessible by all tourists, there are a variety of cheap hotels in Barcelona that have been established to satisfy the taste and budget of each traveler. These hotels offer discounts and provide all the basic services that are required by them.

Some of the city's tourist attractions that attract tourists and are responsible for generating income for hotel owners are as follows:

- The route is Eixample which is located near central place in the city. The place is very famous for eating and having renowned shops. In its vicinity, there is Plaza Frances Marcia, Paseo de Gracia and Rambla Catalunya. These wonderful places are worth visiting.

- The Agbar Tower, the bright tower represents the modern soul of Barcelona. The main feature of this tower is its bullet shape, which symbolizes the progressive spirit and optimism about the future.

- Parc Güell, it is a municipal garden and is part of the UNESCO world heritage. It was built by a very wealthy businessman for the levels of Barcelona society and is famous for its elegant design.

- Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Santa Eulalia-which are the most beautiful and impressive churches in the city, presenting an excellent example of Mediterranean Gothic architecture.

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Link of Interest:

- Tax Consultancy Barcelona

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