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Quality speakers at TecnoEdificios

TecnoEdificiosPanama. Experts from Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica and Spain, make up the group of speakers of the 2015 edition of TecnoEdificios. This group of professionals will be in charge of sharing with the attendees new knowledge and experiences regarding the operation and management of facilities.

Among the speakers of the congress are:

Jose Luis Correa

Senior Consultant in Sustainable Construction and director of the company KW Ingenieria. Mechanical Engineer, LEED AP O+M, with Master of Science (MSc) in 'Sustainable Design Engineering' in London-England and MEMBER ASHRAE-Colombia.

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Cesar Martinez Fernandez

Telecommunications Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). Partner and founder of the company ISDE, as a professional he has dedicated himself to training in Lonworks technology in the Lonworks and LonMaker network design courses. He is an associate professor at multiple Spanish universities, including the Polytechnic University of Madrid, the Polytechnic University of Alicante and the University of Valencia.

Alfonso Calderon Leon

He is a mechanical engineer and electrician graduated from the University of Costa Rica. He has 16 years of experience in operations and maintenance management in large transnationals in the electronic, medical and food fields, in companies such as Intel, Pfizer, Kraft, among others. He is currently a Corporate Services Specialist for the Latin American offices of the company Chiquita.

Diego Cordovez Alvarez

Horizontal property manager and delegated administrator of the World Trade Center Bogotá, he has extensive experience in the area of Facility Management and sustainable development of large co-properties, personnel management, budget execution, control and monitoring of projects. He is a professor of the Facility Management module of the Diploma in Sustainable Construction taught by the Colombian Council of Sustainable Construction (CCCS).

Claudia Robledo

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Claudia Robledo has more than 16 years of experience in the international corporate real estate market, 13 of which working in Europe. After a successful career in Europe, in 2011 she returned to Bogotá to join Bancolombia as Investment Director of the Fondo de Bienes facilitating agreements for more than 200 million dollars and numerous leasing operations.

In 2014 he decided to found Crea Management, a company dedicated to the structuring of rental real estate projects.

Efraín Castro Jr.

Graduated in Hospitality from the National University of Quilmes he has worked in different hotel companies both in Panama and in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He currently serves as Director of Housekeeper at the Veneto Wyndham Hotel & Casino. In this position he is responsible for the operation of 301 rooms, 5 function rooms, 1 casino of 4,000 square meters and 4 restaurants.

Erick Cerquera Muñoz

Coordinator of the SAG Infrastructure Administration and Management System at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, he has experience in building management mainly in higher education institutions, where he has developed and applied strategies for the optimization of resources, formulation of processes and procedures for their management. Architect from the National University of Colombia, candidate for a Master in Real Estate and Facility Management from the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

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TecnoEdificios will be held on June 4 and 5, 2015 at the Hotel El Panama in Panama City. For more information on how to register for both the commercial exhibition and the academic component visit

Lyda Durango
Author: Lyda Durango
Marketing Services

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