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Premium ventilation

The problem of hundreds of heat-burdened guests was solved with a roof ventilation unit in Australia. Know the details of the project.

By Vanesa Restrepo

A guest's experience starts from the moment of check in and an uncomfortable start to the holiday is a very bad first impression. These postulates are the most important norms among the managers and employees of the Sheraton Mirage hotel, located in Port Douglas, in the extreme north of Queensland, Australia.

Port Douglas is a tropical coastal town, whose annual temperatures range between 20°C and 27°C, which forces hotels to have an efficient air conditioning and cooling system to generate well-being for tourists without excessively increasing energy costs.

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The Sheraton Mirage is no exception. However, part of the lobby has an open area in which it is impossible to install air conditioners and where the small pedestal and ceiling fans that had been installed several years ago did not meet the expectations of customers who arrived hot after traveling several hours or walking around.

Simple and effective solutions
Faced with such difficulty, the hotel managers took on the task of finding a more efficient ventilation system for their lobby and it was then that a solution appeared, from the hand of the multinational Big Ass Fans, specialized in the manufacture of industrial fans and for commercial areas.

"Before installing the ventilation elements, hotel guests and employees suffered from high humidity, unbearable heat and stagnant air. A solution was needed that improved comfort and that was not expensive or with high energy consumption and that, in addition, did not require continuous and deep maintenance, "explains Alex Reed, commercial and communications director of Big Ass Fans.

After evaluating the spaces and the real need for ventilation, the company decided that the best solution would be to install a fan 3.7 meters in diameter (12 feet). Reed explains that with that large diameter, the fan moves more air than 36 small fans, and records only a quarter of the energy consumption. And as if this were not enough, the engine of the equipment has no direct transmission gears, which provides a smooth and silent operation, less than 40dBA. "Thus, guests make their check in a pleasant experience, without annoying noises and in a cool atmosphere."

Improving comfort
Since the fan was installed in the Lobby of the Sheraton Mirage, guests said they are more comfortable in the hotel. The explanation, according to Reed, is quite simple: "A fan was installed in an environment where air conditioning was not practical from the point of view of costs and energy consumption. The element turned out to be the best solution to ensure the comfort of customers efficiently."

This type of equipment is perfect for hotels, especially for those open areas or large traffic of people, such as restaurants, lounges, spa or recreational areas, thanks to its large volume that moves more air, the low noise that does not interfere with any daily operation and the level of comfort generated by circulating fresh air, without generating an environment too cold for the guest.

According to Alex Reed, the fan maximizes the efficiency of an air conditioning system by distributing air conditioning, thanks to its patented base and fin design. "Additionally, its appearance can be customized through special packages that will allow the piece to adapt to the decoration concept that the space has."

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To highlight
Comparative advantages

In the current market there are no ventilation units larger than the 3.7-meter one installed by Big Ass Fans at the Sheraton Mirage in Port Douglas, Australia. This type of units, designed for large spaces with commercial use are characterized by having integrated controls and thanks to the fact that their motors do not incorporate gears, their operation is silent.

Big Ass Fans also provides solutions in industrial ventilation and its main added value is the possibility of incorporating the pieces into the design established in the area in which they will be installed, making the fan a visual complement, instead of a cumbersome and large piece, says Alex Reed, commercial and communications manager of the multinational company.

To highlight

* Firm in charge of the project: Sheraton Mirage – Port Douglas
* Manufacturers involved: Big Ass Fans
* Contact: Tim Murray, Engineering Manager
* Email : [email protected]
* Company covered with installation: Sheraton Mirage
* Fan power consumption: 30 W at low speed, 145 W at medium speed and 630 W at high speed.

Author: Vanesa Restrepo

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