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Managing the arrival of Hard Rock in Punta Cana

The remodeling of a hotel, especially when it adheres to a graphic identity already created, requires a certain care. Recently in the Dominican Republic an ambitious project was executed to welcome the Hard Rock brand.

By Vanesa Restrepo

Having a recognized brand in the hotel sector implies a serious commitment to quality, whether it is franchises or direct business of the chain. Thus, every detail must be studied thoroughly to avoid unpleasant surprises with guests that end up ruining the image.

Recently, one of the most recognized hotels in the Caribbean, the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino of Punta Cana, belonging to the Palace Resort chain in the Dominican Republic, subjected some of its areas to a remodeling process that included complete changes in its convention hall and one of its main attractions: the casino.

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Considering that the Hard Rock brand has a consolidated visual identity, the demands of the project were high. That is precisely why the American firm Deffer & Deffer Hospitality Solutions was selected to carry out the project that culminated at the end of 2010.

Elizabeth Kavlakian, vice president of Deffer & Deffer Hospitality Solutions told HOTEL MANAGEMENT the details of the remodeling: "The project consisted of the correct interpretation and compliance with the design and manufacturing specifications of the furniture of the Convention Hall and the Hard Rock Punta Cana Casino." He added that the key to success was "close collaboration with the owners and management of the hotel, and joint work with designers and manufacturers."

The work of the firm of solutions for the hospitality sector consisted of advising on matters such as materials, applications, selection of textiles, selection of models suitable for commercial use as well as compliance with standards and regulations of use.

Important hotels, important projects
The Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana is an establishment with recognition in the Dominican Republic thanks to the trajectory of the Palace Group. Its facilities include multiple convention halls with capacity for 4,000 people, as well as the largest casino in the Caribbean, which can accommodate up to 1,000 people in a space of 45,000 square feet, including 450 slot machines, 40 different gaming tables and a VIP lounge with high limits for games such as Baccarat, American Roulette, the Black Jack, among others.

With the remodeling carried out, both areas improved their technological equipment, in order to be able to respond to the demand for large-scale events.

But one of the elements in which more care was taken was the selection of furniture, always having comfort and safety as primary aspects. Elizabeth says that in the casino and the convention center, aluminum and wooden chairs and stools were installed, whose main advantage is the "spring effect" in the backrests, which makes them more comfortable. "This is due to an aluminum plate that runs from the base of the back to the base of the seat, in the shape of an L," he reported.

Considering that convention and casino spaces require constant movements to adjust to the needs of customers, the selected furniture is light, hence the material is aluminum and not iron, as some do. Similarly, the installed cushions have a higher thickness that provides greater comfort, and are upholstered with resistant fabrics and barriers against dirt, liquids, mold formation. At this point, the installation company requested a reinforcement of the fabrics, in order to prolong the life cycle of the pieces.

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The supplier of the seats was Infanti Brand Chairs & Stools, located in the United States, but with a global distribution system of chairs and stools for hotels and casinos. According to Elizabeth, the company was chosen because it manufactures parts in which it is possible to remove the seat without the need to use special tools: "that is, in case of stain, damage, abuse, etc., both the chair and the stool do not need to be removed or sent to the maintenance area of the property, since the cushion is simply removed and replaced with a new one. This represents a unique competitive advantage especially in high-volume properties."

Taking care of every detail
The remodeling project of the Moon Palace to turn it into the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana demanded a comprehensive logistics work, especially since the furniture supplier is located in the United States and the installation was done in the Dominican Republic.

"The integral logistics and installation, from New Jersey to Punta Cana, was carried out briefly before the opening of the convention halls, which were already practically finished," explains Elizabeth Kavlakian, responsible for the project.

It is important to note that as part of the actions to mitigate the effects of the work on hotel guests, the Palace group arranged for the opening of a temporary casino, so that none of the travelers had restrictions on the characteristic services of the hotel.

Successful management
The selection of Deffer & Deffer as the company responsible for the largest remodeling that the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana has had in recent years was not a coincidence.

The company with an operational structure capable of advising owners and operators of hotel establishments in matters related to the integral direction of the project, from planning and direction, to installation, through budgeting, supplier selection, purchasing management, compliance with brand standards, regulations and compliance, as well as logistics and customs coordination.

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As an added value, Deffer & Deffer has a department exclusively dedicated to interior design that provides sustainable solutions to its customers.

Firm in charge of the project: Deffer & Deffer Hospitality Solutions
Manufacturers involved: Infanti Brand Chairs & Stools
Contacts: Elizabeth Kavlakian
Email: [email protected]
Company covered with the installation: Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana
Installation dates: End of 2010

Author: Vanesa Restrepo

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