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TecnoEdificios evidenced consolidation of the industry

The congress and commercial exhibition that seeks the correct administration of buildings through the installation of the latest technologies and the management of them, continues to consolidate itself as a reference for the region.

TecnoEdificios, in its fifth edition, evidenced the latest in technologies related to the operation and maintenance of buildings, through proper administration and through the installation of the latest technologies.

The epicenter of this meeting was the Plaza Mayor Convention Center in Medellín, Colombia, and had an academic component that bet on the themes focused on energy saving, sustainability, the installation of recent technologies and the correct management of a property.

The talks on smart buildings, had in vogue the topic of the new regulations in connectivity for buildings, taught about strategies of generation of value of a heritage, analyzed costs of the life cycle of a property, as well as figures on sustainable construction.

- Publicidad -

On a separate point, he had a panel with prominent administrators who talked about the day-to-day of his professional work. The guests in this successful space were Germán Forero (San Vicente Foundation), Milton Campo (Univentas Shopping Center), Oscar Mauricio Gutiérrez (Alquería) and Erick Cerquera (National University of Colombia - Medellín Headquarters).

This group of professionals discerned about their daily work, as well as how to cope in a good way with the difficulties that arise in the administration of their properties.

In the same way, TecnoEdificios offered a complete commercial sample where the companies exposed the best available technologies for the improvement of a property This sample was held at the same time as the RefriAméricas Congress (event on air conditioning and refrigeration). Which complemented in a great way an event that continues to grow over the years and that this time had a great acceptance among the attending public.

Satisfaction with the quality of the event was the subject of good comments. Jorge Alvaro Restrepo Saldarriaga, manager of Seguridad Fort S.A., said that "with the information shared in this congress I am very pleased to corroborate that the time has come when technology not only works for our comfort, but to improve our interaction with the environment in a sustainable way in the long term."

"I felt quite at ease, and I look forward to attending the next event. Again thank you very much", was the comment of Alberto Vélez, of Caracol TV, another of the attendees of the event.

Meanwhile, Guillermo León Valencia Vahos, from the Maintenance and Physical Resources area of Confiar Cooperativa Financiera, indicated that "I am really very satisfied to have been able to attend such a magnificent event. The conferences were very enriching and enjoyable, I also highlight the preparation of the exhibitors, very updated in what is being handled and what is about to be implemented at the level of Sustainable Constructions, which was one of my greatest expectations and that was fully met. Without a doubt, I will be as much as possible, in the next Congress."

In the same way, Camilo Lee Corradine , Legal Representative of Inversiones Lee Cardenas y Cia Ltda. , Real Estate Management in Horizontal Property, showed his blessing, "thank you very much, I was very comfortable, it was an excellent congress".

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Fernando Cabrera Kerguellen, Air Conditioning and Energy Efficiency Consultant, expressed his good impression of the event and his approval for moving TecnoEdificios next year to Panama.

"For my part, I congratulate you on the work done to prepare the congress. Wishing him the best for future congresses, and in advance qualify as a success the realization of next year's congress in Panama, to give a new air to this and explore this market that has great opportunities for all for the good state of its economy and the realization of large construction projects ".

RefriAmericas 2014 exceeded all expectations

Colombia. The 2014 edition of the Congress and commercial exhibition RefriAméricas achieved enormous organizational success and completely fulfilled the expectation of the public that attended in large numbers to the three days of the event held in Medellín, Colombia.

The congress, which this year had two halls: Industrial and Commercial Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Heating and Ventilation, had interesting presentations by experts from seven countries, as well as a Panel, called "Real panorama of the use of refrigerants in Colombia", which was attended by important personalities from various sectors of the industry.

Another of the novelties of this year were the Technical-Commercial Talks, which allowed the companies participating in the commercial exhibition to deliver details of their latest developments in equipment, service and technology.

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"Thank you very much for this good experience and for allowing me to attend this important event. It was very pleasant for me as Maintenance Manager of Crepes & Waffles Medellín to find as many suppliers and people as committed to the environment as our company is. It is noteworthy that in all the talks that took place and the conversations with the different experts on the subject of refrigeration find a common theme, that path to prevention and care for the environment, "said Wilmar Alejandro Páez, Head of Maintenance of Crepes & Waffles Medellín.

Meanwhile, Camilo Botero, founder of the firm Camilo Botero Ingenieros Consultores Ltda. and who received from the organization a well-deserved recognition for his long career and contributions to the industry within the framework of the event, expressed his satisfaction with the excellent level of academic events, exhibition, and forums. "I really liked the level and in general the environment of advanced and good technological level that was appreciated," he said.

On the other hand, the organization of the event announced that next year, RefriAméricas will move to Panama to carry out, at the Hotel El Panama, on June 3, 4 and 5, its twelfth edition, where it is expected to have the presence of the exhibitors and attendees who during these eleven years have accompanied the event, as well as people and companies that have focused their business in the Central American region and the Andean area.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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