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The Long Road to Smart Buildings

Digitized building automation will bring with it a number of benefits. But the road to get there is a long one. It is a path that leads to wiring and requires the consolidation of construction networks. Everything could work over Ethernet/IP.

by Matthias Gerber*

Today, buildings are filled with sensors, networks, electronics, and controllers. Different transmission technologies connect the technological systems of each building. The vision of smart, digitized buildings is virtually impossible to realize with the diversity that has developed over time. These are the results of R&M's market research.

All over IP - one infrastructure for everything
It would be great if the network of building systems could be consolidated. This is how the idea of communicating using a single protocol came about. For example, through local data network (LAN) based on standardized Internet Protocol (IP) and low-cost Ethernet network technology, building systems could:
• exchange information more easily,
• remote control via the Internet, and
• significant savings in energy and resources.

- Publicidad -

Operating costs in buildings can be reduced by up to 40% with Ethernet/IP, which is demonstrated by research conducted by universities. That is why R&M is convinced that the key to smart buildings is LAN cabling and that is why it offers suitable solutions.

LAN as the backbone of construction technology
LAN cabling technology is currently taking huge evolutionary steps that are also going to help when it comes to smart buildings. Examples:
• Power over Ethernet (PoE) can supply power to building technology components, sensors, controllers, etc. over the data network.
• With a proper wiring structure, the LAN becomes the backbone of all building automation.
• The digital roof makes it possible to install several service sockets at regular intervals on the ceilings of the rooms. WLAN access points, LED lamps, building technology modules and distributed network switches can be connected to these service sockets in an instant when needed.

Another evolution that will soon penetrate the market is the Single Pair Ethernet (SPE)
The combination of the digital roof concept with an SPE connector system that could be integrated into the RJ45 world offers new options. Four times more end devices could be integrated into a LAN than before. Digitalization could thus take every corner of a building profitably, preparing it to face the future.

Building automation today and tomorrow
Today (left)
Building automation works independently of networked data technology. It is used to monitor, control and optimize building systems and technology. Components (sensors, actuators, devices) are usually networked using stand-alone BUS systems and protocols. Building automation and data networks are connected to each other using complex interfaces (gateways).

Tomorrow (right)
Building automation migrates to IP/Ethernet and communicates via standard IP protocols. Manufacturing-Independent network technology connects the individual components. This consolidated IP infrastructure simplifies planning, installation, maintenance, and operation. Component costs are reduced due to the scaling effect.

* Matthias Gerber, Local Area Networks Market Manager for Reichle & De-Massari.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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