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Analyzing the quality of the indoor environment

calidad de aire interior

As we begin the transition to a post-pandemic world and people rejoin the new normal, the connection between buildings and health, productivity and well-being is increasingly important; so the concept of interior environment, composed of interconnected elements that interact and influence our physical and emotional well-being, takes on greater relevance.

by Trane

INEGI data reveals that the home office grew 68% last year, and at least 6 out of 10 companies plan to maintain the scheme after the pandemic, according to a KPMG study. Likewise, temporary closures due to COVID have created challenges and vulnerabilities, but on the other hand, they have also presented the opportunity to think about the creation of inner well-being from a new perspective.

- Publicidad -

Prior to the pandemic, in the country only 34% worked remotely full-time, while during the lockdown the figure doubled to 68%, according to a study led by the IAE Business School.

Spending more time indoors requires indoor environmental quality, as this impacts our daily and long-term well-being. Air quality, thermal comfort, lighting and acoustics are important aspects in a property to achieve greater productivity, concentration, influence the mood of people, even, impacts on the improvement of the experience of customers and collaborators. Today, according to Trane, addressing health risks, due to the lack of a quality indoor environment, is a top priority.

Out of sight, but in everyone's mind
Understanding how to best address indoor environmental quality issues has been a major source of confusion for building owners and operators. One reason is that the invisible nature of risks makes it difficult to know where to start. After all, how do you analyze and mitigate what you can't see?

We currently live in cities at the forefront of urbanization, but also in overcrowded sites with large amounts of toxic waste in the environment, which have affected health and increased respiratory diseases in recent years.

Only the air quality in areas of states such as Mexico City, State of Mexico, Puebla or Morelos, do not meet the standards of the Environmental Commission of the Megalopolis (Came); situation that significantly alters the response of the immune system of people, among other risks.

If a building registers more than 20% of users with symptoms such as fatigue, difficulty concentrating, lethargy, discomfort in eyes, nose and throat, excessive noise or complaints of bad odors, it is said that you have a "Sick Building".

Therefore, in this new world, it is required that the buildings in which much of the time is spent, ensure the health and well-being of those who are there; so when it comes to the quality of the indoor environment, the ability to see the invisible is required.

- Publicidad -

Changing expectations, improving technology
The good news is that technology continues to evolve, therefore, you have today the ability to monitor different aspects of the quality of the indoor environment. Now, the new solutions allow greater visibility of various factors that make up indoor environmental quality: air quality, temperature, lighting and acoustics as integral aspects.

"For Trane, it is essential that property owners and operators have a comprehensive approach to optimizing indoor air quality to balance the well-being needs of occupants of residential, commercial and industrial spaces, allowing for healthier interior spaces," says Carlos García, general director of Trane in Mexico.

The five elements for an ideal indoor environment quality
- The quality of the indoor air we breathe affects our well-being. Indoor pollutants can be invisible to our senses, but harmful to our health and productivity.

- There is a renewed vision for indoor air quality and the benefits it can bring; people are realizing that this has become an element of permanent importance, fundamental to the long-term health and sustainability of a building.

- Comprehensive temperature and humidity management is key to maintaining thermal comfort. Today's advanced buildings make it possible to carefully manage thermal comfort for individual satisfaction where it is required, while maintaining the building's economic efficiency.

Today's smartest lighting systems have significant potential to improve safety, comfort and productivity. By using LED lighting and controls technology, natural sunlight can be mimicked indoors by varying the color temperature of light, spectral energy distribution and intensity throughout the day, making these lighting strategies make employees feel better, happier and more productive.

- Publicidad -

- The air conditioning system is a manageable and essential part in the acoustics of a building, so today it is possible to determine how much sound from this equipment will travel to the occupied spaces. Accurate information about the acoustics of air conditioners can be added to architectural and building material decisions that reduce sound and support a holistic approach to acoustic design.

The importance of indoor environmental quality is increasing, so it begins to be seen in mixed urban centers that combine housing, offices, shops, restaurants; they are already the trend in the country's largest cities. And in the context of the 'New Normal', these properties will take on even more strength. Mexico City is the most attractive state of the country to invest in this type of complexes, with 70% preference; followed by Querétaro, with 55%; Nuevo León, with 41%; Jalisco, with 39% and Quintana Roo with 34%.1.*

It has become more common to see large developments that meet the parameters of indoor environmental quality and more where you have a limited area of land to build new developments, so you must make the best use of the available space, but with a focus on the quality of the indoor environment.

Thanks to the support and trust of its customers, Trane celebrates 30 years in Mexico, being a spearhead and benchmark in the air conditioning market, offering energy-efficient, environmentally responsible systems with a high performance for life. Always seeking to promote indoor air quality in both residential, commercial and industrial spaces to have people -family, friends, customers, collaborators- happier, more productive and healthy.

*1 M2CROWD platform

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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