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How to address the talent shortage in companies

Cómo enfrentar la escasez de talento en las empresas

Latin America. The most recent Manpower survey, the pandemic increased the problems of talent shortages in the world, and in countries like Mexico it worsened more than in the rest of the planet. This is largely in the change in skills that employers demand.

According to the National Association of Development and Organizational Welfare A.C. states that, in this scenario, companies need to identify what are the skills necessary to fill a position, either with external or internal personnel.

1. Identify skills/competencies that are required for the position
In most companies, the positions are occupied by the available people with whom the company has, since there is no description of skills and / or competencies defined for each position. So, many times a person begins to perform additional functions to the position he occupies, without knowing well if he is qualified or not for it. It is common to find overqualified people doing activities different from their area of expertise. The serious thing is when unqualified people perform these activities.

2. Design internal training programs to enable candidates in the position
Having training programs designed by the company helps the training of new personnel, as well as the collaborators of the institution who want to move within the organization. Therefore, it is essential to have internal instructors who can design both the training programs and the didactic material, which is required for the instruction.

- Publicidad -

It is usually thought that this is only done in large companies, however, small and medium-sized companies must have these training programs defined and resort to external instructors to carry out the training, oriented to the competencies and skills required by the position and / or the company.

3. Identify the work environment of the organization
There are multiple studies that link worker happiness with productivity, from Elton Mayo's studies in the forties, to the present day with research such as Matthew A. Killingsworth's on happiness, where it is identified "being happy is the master key for people to be more productive in society and achieve individual progress." Companies must analyze the work environment, know how workers feel, it helps to identify the red lights within the company. A company with a healthy work environment increases its productivity levels.

We must not lose sight of the fact that this year the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS) has presented an initiative to reduce the deadlines to meet the necessary actions that are detected from a labor inspection. In 2020, the number of visits made to companies increased by 17%, and for this year it is expected that 40,000 visits to work centers will be made. Currently the deadline to attend an observation could be 90 days, with the proposal being made by the STPS, the period will now be 5 days and only with an extension of five additional days when it comes to an inspection of safety and health at work, as long as the workplace justifies that the origin of the deficiencies detected corresponds to external causes.

For issues of general conditions or training there will be no extension to 5 days. Therefore, it becomes extremely important that companies know the psychosocial risks of their organization, applying the guidelines of NOM 035, as well as having training programs and internal instructors who can replicate expert knowledge.

"Maintaining a stable work team is essential for the development of companies, since over time, employees know how to carry out their activities in a better way, in less time; In addition to knowing the policies and regulations that govern the organization and adapt to the organizational culture, this decreases staff turnover and improves productivity." concludes Oscar Mercado, Vice President of Welfare of ASCEND (National Association of Development and Organizational Well-being A.C.)

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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