Mexico. Mexico is the third country with the longest working hours, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), these excessive periods contribute to the exhaustion of employees.
Scenario that intensified during the pandemic for Mexicans, data from a survey conducted by Microsoft, pointed out that although in Mexico productivity during the home office increased, 54% of respondents said they had an excessive workload and 39% said they were exhausted. Contrary to countries where a working day of fewer hours favors productivity.
"Thinking about the implementation of a functional hybrid labor scheme must respond to two main points: the improvement of the quality of life of employees, which as a consequence will cause greater productivity; and the development of objective metrics, in which results are measured and not hours in which work is performed," said Ernesto de Olazaval, CEO and co-founder of Comunal Coworking.
Therefore, it is important to rely on technological tools that favor the flexibility and impact of hybrid work models. This is how Comunal Workplace emerges, an application that makes work on demand available to employees, providing the opportunity for them to select the spaces, days and times in which they wish to attend the offices of their own company.
This will help to understand what is the behavior of workers, their desires and aspirations regarding office work. In this way, in order to carry out a safe return to offices, Ernesto suggests following the following steps:
- Define what benefits we want to obtain from each channel (remote and face-to-face), this will allow us to lay the foundations of the return scheme with which we want to start.
- Make visible what is gained and what is lost with a hybrid scheme and thereby find the balance between the functional and the emotional.
- Survey staff (employees and employers) with the aim of understanding resistances and change enhancers.
- Elaboration of diagnosis of the adoption capacity, this step is key to be successful in the process.
- From the economic point of view, it is important that the process is sustainable over time (avoid the renunciation of change) and the acceleration of the new process. Both variables affect the Return on Investment (ROI) of an office project.
- Accept that the way of working has evolved and that using technological tools such as applications help to facilitate work on demand.
"Decision makers in companies must understand that the return to offices must provide as much flexibility as their employees need, seeking that it helps reinforce the organizational culture and growth of the company and employees. Work on demand is a reality that demands 2022," concluded Olazaval.
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