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Importance of technology in parking security

seguridad parqueaderos

Latin America. Parking management is an essential issue for cities. According to the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, parking lots have received millions in fines for violating consumer protection regulations.

In Bogotá, the City Council warned about cases of robberies that have occurred in different public parking lots and in different sectors of the capital, calling for the measures to be tightened and for those responsible for the parking lots to respond to their users.

That is why, both local administrations and parking owners are resorting to technology as an ally in their management. "Parking management is a complete solution where users are guided through parking lots to provide them with a simple experience. Some time ago entering a shopping center was one of the most complex daily tasks, now it is being transformed," said Edwin Bocanegra, Business Developer at Hikvision.

Likewise, Bocanegra explained that the latest generation technology facilitates, through software and cameras, to manage the users of the parking lots from the moment they enter, detecting the license plates of the vehicle and indicating where it can go, in which sectors there are spaces available and the indicated route to optimize times.

- Publicidad -

When the car is parked, you can do a complete monitoring of it, in case it happens any eventuality such as a blow by another car or even a theft, everything is recorded. In the same way, it allows to know if someone enters with a beaten car to show that it did not happen inside the facilities and avoid fraud.

Another advantage of this type of system, according to the Hikvision expert, is that when a person is ready to leave the shopping center or parking lot, he should not be carrying a card, but simply at the point of payment enters his plate and can make the transaction. Also, with a map, the place where the vehicle is located, level and the nearest route are reported so that you can access the car and exit efficiently.

"Data is relevant to making strategic decisions in any business. Thanks to Hikvision's systems, parking lot managers will be able to know, from the software, which is the most used section of parking, the least used, manage colors for the identification lights and thus set aside parking lots for people with disabilities, for women or older adults. Everything is to better manage parking lots, especially when it comes to places like shopping centers," Bocanegra said.

The technology handled by the company, provides the plus of covering several places with two types of cameras: the first, with a single lens, which manages up to three parking lots; on the other hand, there is the solution with a dual lens, which allows to manage up to six parking lots, resulting in reducing the infrastructure necessary to implement the solution, in addition to saving time and reducing costs, Bocanegra detailed.

For drivers to make the decision to use the parking lots, they must undoubtedly be managed efficiently so that the experience is totally friendly.

"By having the metadata of how many vehicles enter per day or by hours gives you the opportunity to be very assertive in launching campaigns and attracting audiences, in other words, reaching the level of making marketing decisions. At the same time, it provides security for all vehicles since, if within the parking lot there is a scratch or eventuality, it will be registered and the realization of a fairly detailed report will be facilitated. Parking lots require real management to solve problems that are occurring in cities and require taking them to another level"; concluded the developer of Hikvision.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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