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Trends that will mark business communications in 2022


The pandemic has forced organizations to redefine the way they interact with customers. Many of these changes have resulted in more efficient and effective ways to build relationships, whether it's video consultations for patients, chatbots for banking transactions, or a greater number of user-centric applications for retailers' customers.

by Infobip

Businesses can't go back to the old ways of doing things once the pandemic is over, on the contrary, you need to keep evolving and focus on making interactions more efficient, more enjoyable and less time-consuming, no matter if they're online, offline, or a combination of both.

We are on an extremely exciting digital journey that we cannot turn back from. 2022 will be a year to redefine ways of working according to the needs of customers and employees. With cloud communication technologies at the epicenter, there is opportunity for trends to be set by Infobip experts, revealing and useful. Undoubtedly, this is a new world to navigate.

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1. Businesses are looking for ways to simplify communications
In 2021 businesses realized the importance of data and personalization to improve communication, the problem is that they did not know how to do it. That's why, in this year, simplicity in communication and streamlining of platforms will emerge as a trend of cloud-based communications.

2. Preparation for the metaverse
It is not necessarily to create experiences with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, it is to implement strategies that allow businesses to communicate with their customers in the digital world of the future.

3. Hybrid work is the redesign of communications
The correct execution of this trend translates into more connected employees producing optimal work. The challenge is to achieve the balance between the needs of the customer, the employee and the business.

4. The benefits of 5G become tangible
As consumers get used to the speed and reliability of 5G, their expectations will grow. Companies must anticipate and redefine their interaction strategies according to this trend.

5. Artificial Intelligence makes customer interactions more human
It sounds paradoxical, but AI automation will favor the empathic experience, a feature that customers love. 78% of consumers say a Tech-human interaction offers a better experience than a human-only one.

6. Communications platform companies focus on growing engagement
Companies, of any size, that offer communications platforms will focus on growing consumer engagement with their customers' brands, that is, the level of engagement and loyalty that users have with a brand.

The right provider will help companies handle every customer interaction, support users at every stage of their platform engagement lifecycle, and reduce the complexity of their overall engagement strategy.

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7. This is the defining moment for authentication and security
Two-factor authentication is a crucial method of online security. Using what the user knows (the password) along with what the user has (their device) strengthens security.

8. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) move towards omnichannel
Until recently, only the world's largest companies could offer a personalized, omnichannel experience. But now cloud platforms can give businesses of any type and size the shape to achieve secure interaction across the channel their customers prefer.

In conclusion, every company must focus on feelings, the power of customer experience cannot be underestimated in this post-pandemic digital age, driven by the 5G network and AI. It could be argued that the way your interactions make a customer feel is just as important as the specific product or service you receive. This customer "feeling" will not be the result of a specific interaction. It will be the sum total of a chain of actions throughout the journey or life cycle of a customer. This should be one of the most important approaches in 2022 for organizations planning their cloud communication strategies.

Source: infobip.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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