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"It would be very difficult for companies to return to the 8/5 work model"


Costa Rica. Work station is a model of use of corporate buildings that comes to help people who need to leave the house to work, socialize and be part of a company.

"Those who change reality are the people, it's not even the governments. Since many people savored flexibility during the pandemic, they found that they can do many things from their homes and not spend their time on the journey to the workplace," said Francisco Vázquez Medem, founder and president of 3g Smart Group, during the second edition of CRET SUMMIT - Commercial Real Estate Trends 2022.

He adds: "It would be very difficult for companies to get back to the 8/5 model."

In his opinion, a country like Costa Rica or Spain also have an advantage in attracting talent, which allows some people to work outside their countries. "Costa Rica offers remote workers an opportunity to reduce commuting to get to their workplaces, for example," says the expert.

- Publicidad -

"Those who change reality are the people, it's not even the governments. Since many people savored flexibility during the pandemic, they found that they can do a lot of things from home and not spend their time on the journey to the workplace," said Francisco Vázquez Medem, founder and president of 3g Smart Group.

Vázquez also believes that despite the flexibilities of working at home, many people choose to always travel to the workplace because Access to the Internet is still an issue that distances them from their own homes. This, according to the panelist, causes a personalization of Real Estate, so the corporate sector begins to see next to "work station".

"Customer preferences are the primary factor, as there are people who would prefer to leave the house and get to their workplace. For them, the work station modality would be an option to socialize, meet people, learn, collaborate and create culture," he said.

Precisely, Vázquez points out how companies like Google require their workers to go to their corporate headquarters. At this point, strategy and corporate culture adds to another factor that must be valued by companies.

To this, other elements that promote work outside the home and that enhance real estate development and the country itself are added, as in the case of Costa Rica. The issue of amenities is one of them. "You have to have coworking spaces and analyze the possibility of creating work station in hotels, since today, the room is not only for sleeping but for sleeping and working," he said.

"At the moment, there are people who want to get to Costa Rica for about 3 months and stay up to 6 months and more. I give the blessing to the possibility of change," he concluded.

* Note written by Alexandra Ivanova - [email protected]

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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