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How to avoid hacks in security cameras?


Latin America. The use of new technologies in the home is increasingly present and for this reason we are also exposed to cyber attacks and hackers who seek to violate our privacy through security teams.

According to figures from the Attorney General's Office, in Colombia in 2021 the number of cyberattacks grew by 30%, compared to the previous year. So, how can we identify that we are victims of a cyber attack on the surveillance system?

According to Ezviz Colombia, there are 5 ways to protect the information of security systems, not only in the home, but also of companies:
1. Monitor suspicious message activity: Ignoring email activity is a common flaw in many people, even in businesses. Emails are one of the weakest points and easy targets because through them you can easily introduce threats to the security of computers. It's important to avoid clicking on links in promotional emails, opening suspicious attachments, or running app updates requested by the same.

2. Identify malicious codes: Malwares and malicious code are usually hidden in common file formats, such as PDF, html, GIF or Zip. So a good practice is to choose an antivirus capable of detecting and eliminating any possible attack of a computer virus.

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3. Do not share your passwords: By doing so you are putting personal information in someone else's hands. It is recommended not to share the app's credentials to outsiders, so if someone tries to enter this two-step authentication is enabled. So our loved ones, and /or businesses and companies can be protected.

4. Use strong passwords: Use only strong passwords that hackers don't easily crack. Ideally, passwords should have 16 to 20 characters, combining numbers and uppercase, lowercase and symbol letters.

5. Two-step authentication: This option is a bit annoying for some users because it involves an extra step. But, like passwords, it provides one more layer to protect your data.

According to Felipe Hernández, Product Manager of Ezviz Colombia "The first indication of a cyber attack is when the aggressor extorts his victims by not sharing their information. In exchange for monetary compensation. However, with the Ezviz app, we find a platform quite robust in terms of security, but quite intuitive for the user. For example, in the cloud it will not be accessible if the user does not share the accesses. However, if any eventuality or security update occurs, it is officially notified in a statement."

But how do cybercriminals infiltrate security cameras?
"Necessarily for there to be some infiltration and hacking attempt, the person must have the credentials to access the account and the camera, without this information we would not have problems in the future, so the first step is to protect them. Periodically be changing your security passwords to your home and corporate network. Do not share this type of information with strangers. Maintain a secure internet connection, As with the device, the Internet network where the camera is going to be connected must have good protection. For these devices it is suggested to change the password that comes directly with the manufacturer," says Hernández.

And if we have been victims of a cyberattack, what steps should we take?
Because there is no 100% effective protection against cybercrime, it is best to learn to respond as quickly as possible to any type of attack, the first thing is to disconnect the areas that are protected and that have not been violated, taking them off the network.
Finally, follow these recommendations to install your security cameras and avoid inconvenience:

1. Register your personal data when creating an account: many users leave the mail of acquaintances, or even corporate emails, here it is advisable to use the data of the user who will use the cameras.
2. Save the information associated with the account and camera, computer serials, verification codes.
3. Use the encryption mode of the Ezviz APP application, where you can change the passwords of the equipment manually, quickly and easily.
4. Linking the cameras to a private and protected NETWORK is the first point of vulnerability of WIFI equipment.
5. Using cloud storage is a method of data collection with high and strict standards of protection, where it is guaranteed that the information is personal and non-transferable.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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