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Sodexo discusses the importance of new office spaces for employee return

Sodexo oficinas

Latin America. Different studies have shown that there is a considerable number of people who no longer consider it important to return to the offices where they work. For that reason, companies continue to face the challenge of generating attractive spaces to bring back their employees.

In this regard, Sodexo conducted a study called "Consumer journeys Usage & Attitude survey" in which it identified that, in the medium term, 61% of its employees want to return 2 to 3 times a week to the office.

On this subject, Juan Pablo Castillo, HR LatAm / Colombia Sodexo, considered that the rest is to change these behaviors that were presented since the pandemic and that are here to stay.

"The biggest challenge for organizations is bringing employees back into the offices. Through our analysis, we identified that among the most critical factors in achieving talent retention is providing workers with highly attractive workspaces, but beyond that, ergonomic, practical and well-designed, through which comfort and mental health are prioritized."

In this way, the study carried out by this multinational allowed to identify each of the variants and needs, which led to the creation of Vital Spaces, a value proposition that focuses on people and consists of providing them with a complete well-being experience that allows them to connect more easily with their work.

- Publicidad -

As for the physical environment, spaces for creativity, innovation and collaborative work areas in which comfort and quiet areas are prioritized, where it is possible to work with concentration that is often not achieved at home, stand out.

Far from the uncomfortable cubicles to which we had already become accustomed, factors such as a truly ergonomic chair, a large and functional desk, a controlled temperature, as well as recreation, rest and silence areas prevail in this initiative.

For example, a system of collaborative furniture designed to work in groups, are part of this proposal to become the most practical way to co-create, or have optimal lighting that contributes to productivity and that does not generate exhaustion at work, are alternatives that stand out in Vital Spaces.

Likewise, technological solutions such as Wando are included, an application that allows you to manage all the new office services such as wellness rooms, entertainment spaces for children, places of silence and concentration, inclusive bathrooms and pet friendly areas.

These spaces are also equipped with "trusted cafeterias" in which employees will have an open self-service offer in which they can pay with their bank cards, as well as with Sodexo Benefits and Rewards bonuses.

However, "this new concept of Sodexo also includes subsidies and food and nutrition education programs as value-generating solutions where services do not revolve around the infrastructure or the building but the collaborator," concludes Catalina Arenas, one of Sodexo's experts.

- Publicidad -

In figures:
Among the main figures of the Consumer Journeys Usage & Attitude survey, the following stand out:
• As for the question of how many days they would like to work in the office, 61% of respondents say two or three times a week, while only 1% would return to the office every day. Which means that, the hybrid model fits the balance between face-to-face work and home office.
• The activities that are most privileged when working in the office are: collaborative work and face-to-face meetings.
• The aspects considered the most important when working from offices, according to respondents, are air quality, lighting system, background noise, building environment and natural light.
• The services that would improve comfort and well-being in the offices when working are quiet and concentration spaces, spaces for teamwork, cafeteria service, areas for socializing, connectivity, physical environment and ergonomic chair.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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