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Some trends in sustainability for real estate asset management


Latin America. Sustainable real estate management takes into account the entire management cycle of a property, from planning and operation, to maintenance to generate a lower environmental and social impact, this goes hand in hand with the fact that sustainable real estate assets are increasingly popular among developers, real estate agents, buyers and tenants.

MTS Consulting + Management shared the following sustainable trends:

Energy efficiency
One of the most important trends in sustainable real estate is the increasing attention paid to energy efficiency. Thanks to innovations in energy-efficient appliances, automation technology and intentional design, it is now possible to operate assets that consume less energy and use it efficiently.

In this context, the relevance of LEED certification is established, which means leadership in energy efficiency and sustainable design and assumes that the asset or real estate project is built with eco-efficiency standards and meets sustainability requirements. The development of buildings with an energy efficiency approach is entirely voluntary by developers and property managers.

- Publicidad -

Solid waste management
The integral management of solid waste in a real estate asset consists of guaranteeing the proper management of these from their generation and in the establishment and implementation of guidelines that guarantee the access of internal and external clients, in this way, a separation is made from the source in the managed assets; In addition to its temporary storage and final disposal meets sanitary and legal standards.

In 2022, a total of 3,286.2 tons of waste were generated in the company's assets, of which 58.53% was used, 1,923.3 tons of recycled material re-entered as raw material and organic waste delivered for the production of organic fertilizer through composting.

Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence allows real estate players to perform asset management aimed at having a positive impact on the environment. This is based on the data obtained by IoT (Internet of Things) sensors, simulations can be generated to virtually observe the behavior of populations and infrastructure.

AI-powered software creates scenarios in which property managers can examine activity in the properties they manage. This technology makes it easier for them to predict failures, reduce risks and make better decisions for more sustainable planning.

Zero carbon footprint
Real estate managers are having an overview composed of a process of risk analysis, organization, operation and finally certification to achieve a goal of zero carbon emissions.

They can also reduce these emissions associated with transport, promoting sustainable means of transport. This may include installing charging stations for electric vehicles and promoting carpooling initiatives.

As a result, with proper and sustainable planning, not only a zero carbon impact is generated, but also an increase in the profitability of assets and the control of additional expenses.

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20 minutes
Nowadays people are not willing to walk more than 20 minutes to shop and have access to basic services, which is why 20-minute neighborhoods are being born. These are places where residents have all the basic services they need without having to get around by car. In many cases you see a reinvention of space by taking abandoned buildings, renovating them and turning them into these new places.

New constructions invite people to walk and have everything at hand within areas with urban designs that focus on people's needs and tastes. Likewise, these mixed-use projects replace mobilization in vehicles. The times of spending much of life in traffic jams and / or companies has changed, now people seek to live close to their work and their needs.

"At MTS Consultoría + Gestión we are committed to several sustainability actions such as management through managed assets in the implementation of infrastructure projects, sustainable mobility, carrying out LEED sustainability diagnoses, measuring and offsetting the company's carbon footprint, generating environmental awareness campaigns, actions to become a B company, among others, in order to achieve a better social and environmental impact from the real estate assets we manage," said Leydy León, Latam Sustainability Leader.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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