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Artificial Intelligence, digital marketing and ESG, trends in the hotel sector


Latin America. The hotel segment has experienced a significant and positive economic recovery in recent years, influenced by an increase in demand for leisure and corporate travel, resulting in segment growth in 2022 and 2023. The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) reports that the sector in Latin America contributed 367.4 billion dollars, representing 7.8% of the regional economy and exceeding the figure recorded in 2019, before the pandemic, by 3.7 billion dollars.

However, the current outlook for the segment is more challenging. In some countries, the hotel sector is already beginning to feel greater stagnation, whether influenced by the end of the post-pandemic travel euphoria, the current economic scenario still with some instability or the rise in fares and airfares. Another point that may affect the segment even this year is the fact that we are witnessing a lack of opening of new hotels caused by the investment gap in new ventures, due to the uncertainties and crisis of the pandemic period.

With this perspective, it will be more important than ever for hoteliers to plan and pay close attention to the management of their businesses. Factors such as revenue management, cost optimization, improved guest experience, and, of course, investment in technology, will be critical to highlighting who will thrive. Below, I've listed a few movements and trends that should dominate industry conversations that are worth keeping in mind.

Generative Artificial Intelligence in the hospitality industry
Undoubtedly, one of the main topics discussed in recent times is the role of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the day-to-day life of hotels. And the trend for the next few years is that this topic will continue to rise - and even more integrated into routines. That is why we must increasingly observe this technology incorporated in the personalization of packages, in customer service through chatbots, in the improvement of processes in the ERP, etc.

In addition, AI should undoubtedly help hotels in a major challenge in their day-to-day life: pricing. AI platforms will be able to analyze a large amount of data and help managers make the best decision regarding their rates, considering variables such as demand, quality of service offered, competition, and even internet searches and evaluations. These technologies will take some time to implement, but studies are already beginning to be conducted. So it's worth keeping an eye out!

The Power of Digital Marketing
As Latin America is a destination for many tourists from all over the world, the local hotel sector is naturally quite competitive, which makes attracting and conquering guests an even more challenging and, in equal proportion, important task. Therefore, a trend that should intensify even more is the investment in digital marketing by hotels, inns and resorts.

Through different digital tools, it is possible to automate marketing tasks, strategically manage the customer base through CRM and develop customer attraction actions for the business. All this with the aim of guaranteeing a better guest experience and service. And the best thing, marketing techniques and strategies can be applied in hotels of any size and today there are already tools on the market with packages accessible to all budgets. If you think this is superfluous, be careful, your competitor may think otherwise and this can be a major change in results.

ESG in Hospitality
A much-discussed topic in recent years is the adoption of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices in the day-to-day work of companies in various sectors. The much-talked-about ESG agenda has long since ceased to be a trend and became a mandatory necessity in any sector of the economy, including hospitality. Although large national and international chains are already mobilizing in this direction, the sector more broadly can - and should! - Go further, and I think we are going to observe the growth of this movement in the coming years, also among smaller enterprises.

The fields of ESG action for hoteliers are multiple, involving everything from the reduction of waste production, the institution of recycling practices and the use of renewable energy in the facilities, to the development of social projects with the local community and concern for the physical and mental health of employees. For example. In this context, technology can also be a great ally to help organizations in the implementation of these initiatives and for the identification and measurement of social and environmental impacts, making the entire process more optimized and efficient.

The hotel market is very dynamic, and always brings many novelties and trends. All of them, however, converge towards a common point: a growing role of technology in business management. Being up to date with available innovations is essential to face challenges, achieve results and take advantage of opportunities.

Claudio Cordeiro* Article by Claudio Cordeiro, Product Director for Hospitality at TOTVS.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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