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The secrets behind the plate

Undoubtedly, restaurant service plays a very important role within the life of a hotel. On many occasions a good dish is more significant than the same location of the place, since we could say that you can sleep in different spaces, but a good meal is difficult to get because behind it there are countless processes that increase or decrease its quality and flavor. A good dish is obtained from excellent inputs and food preserved in a suitable way.

Practically the restaurant of a hotel plays its good name and prestige in each dish that is served; hence the importance of the issue of food preservation, which is finally the reflection of the commitment of companies in the sector to offer products with optimal quality and that preserve texture, freshness, temperature, nutrients, identity of flavors, colors and aromas, all hand in hand with a great commitment and knowledge in the preparation.

"It is important to properly preserve food to provide food and beverages that do not cause any foodborne illness (ETA'S). Healthy and delicious food, quality. It is our responsibility not only to provide a good service, but to provide safe food to consume because they maintain the good prestige of the quality of our food," said Ana María Aucallanchi, coordinator of health and hygiene at the Radisson Decapolis Hotel in Lima, Peru.

There are many losses that a hotel has due to the inadequate conservation of food in its restaurants. In this regard, Elkin Salazar, food and beverage manager of the Intercontinental Medellín Hotel, in Colombia, referred to it, pointing out that "the great loss is that of the health and even the life of a client due to the mismanagement in the conservation of food, which is a cause of closure and definitive cancellation of a company.

- Publicidad -

The other great loss is that of the customer as the raison d'être of companies that with the voice to voice of dissatisfaction will infect, at least, 20 potential customers". Food preservation processes begin at the same time as the purchase of inputs, and extend to activities such as transportation, reception, temperature conservation and storage.

There are many ways implemented in the hotel business to properly preserve food; however, the application of cold is the most common of them, according to Aucallanchi because "the cold stops the metabolism of microorganisms, it is a limiting factor for their growth since the conditions are not favorable for vital activity, which allows us to store them in a short term, sufficient time within the activity of a hotel.

The second is that it maintains or preserves the organoleptic characteristics of food (color, flavor, texture), that is, it allows us to preserve a raw material or quality input. It is important to have quality raw material since the final product or stew served depends on it".

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