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Furniture is the face of your hotel

altFurniture design is one of the keys to differentiating one hotel from another. Learn some of the guidelines for this process to be successful.

by Vanesa Restrepo

Beyond the brands and seals of international chains, what travelers are looking for is a comfortable hotel, with a reasonable price and good complementary services, according to their needs. In this first aspect, the furniture plays a definitive role, as it will also be responsible for providing the client with the sensations of relaxation and rest that they are looking for.

That is why it is surprising that despite its importance, today many hotels relegate the process of selecting the equipment of their hotel to the last moment, reducing the spaces to correct errors and increasing the risk that unforeseen events end up bothering the guest.

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"Sometimes the managers leave the selection of the material for the last minute and in the end you can not make adjustments of the pieces or verify missing elements because the hotel already has to open its doors," says Mariana Gómez, Project Manager of Modloft, a firm specialized in the production of furniture and design of hotel spaces.

To avoid inconveniences, shortages and possible errors in the delivery or installation of the furniture that will be part of a hotel, Mariana recommends, as a first step, to start with the process of quotation and design of the hotel as soon as you think about its construction or remodeling.

Elements such as the style, location and target audience of the hotel will influence the process of selecting furniture for a hotel project of any magnitude, so you must think about all aspects from the beginning. This is confirmed by interior and furniture designer Adriana Hoyos, who was recently in charge of the equipment process of Trump International, in Panama.

Adriana explains that, from her experience, one of the most common mistakes is when calculating the amount or size of the selected furniture in relation to the space to be decorated: "the detail of the size of the environment at the time the furniture is chosen must coincide with reality when decorating it".

A work team
Talking about the interior equipment of a hotel implies the consideration of variables as broad as cost, design, functionality and durability. The work of hotel managers is transversal to all these variables, since it is he who must foresee the times of design, approval, delivery of furniture and installation of the same.

"The administrator is the designer's best ally. He has the notion about the business that the project should generate, who his client is and what he is looking for, "says Adriana Hoyos, and specifies that no one better than an administrator or manager knows the hotel and its facilities better, for that reason his opinion is valued and considered within the process of decoration of these environments.

This relationship is especially important in medium-sized hotels and boutique hotels, where generally the experience in equipment is less and there are no standards that are common in large chains.

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"We recommend that the hotel concentrate on its business, which is the provision of hospitality services and that there is someone who specializes in the endowment, based on knowledge of the market, trends and international regulations," recommends Mariana Gómez.

The image is everything
Good interior design and comfortable furniture do not have to generate extra costs in hotels. In fact, the trend and evolution of materials allows a hotel to be comfortable, beautiful and even luxurious without the elements being more expensive.

To achieve that it is important that the design manager, in conjunction with the administrator, consult with the manufacturers of the parts who are the ones who finally know the pros and cons of their materials, as well as the costs and limitations of each one.

If we talk about materials, the most common and versatile thing for a hotel is the use of wood, although the types have varied as ecological awareness has grown in the industry.

Thus, today it is common to find furniture made with agglomerated woods, which are nothing more than waste processed woods, joined with natural binders that seal with heat and treated to achieve hardness and resistance. However, as Mariana explains, "the trend in Latin America is still the use of solid woods, but that is not sustainable."

For that reason, agglomerated woods that are protected with an oak or acacia veneer whose thickness varies between one and five millimeters, depending on the needs of the hotel, have gained space in the North American market. "That chapilla gives a better appearance to the furniture but is avoiding using a tree for each bed, in addition you have better resistance to scratches and you have lighter furniture, in case they must move from place," says the representative of Modloft.

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Practicality, the ultimate in design
Whether it is a renovation or endowment of a new hotel, the elements of furniture and decoration must have a specific purpose that must be in accordance with the hotel public. It would be unprofitable to think about the use of ceramic vases or very fragile elements in family establishments, since children usually run and play in the rooms, so they can break the pieces.

In the same way, the taste of the administrator must be separated from the structuring of the project, since it is not about the decoration of a house and any detail can increase costs. "A $5 piece may not seem very expensive, but you have to multiply that $5 by 150 or 200 rooms, and by the number of times it must be replaced in the year. Sometimes these pieces are admired by the client but easily forgotten, and are rarely considered within the reviews that guests make on the internet, "exemplifies Mariana Gómez.

Likewise, a budget must be set for each area of the hotel. In the words of the designer Adriana Hoyos "the common areas such as the main lobby of a hotel have more budget" since the furniture has a more intense use. "In these spaces I try to specify designer furniture that enhances the decoration and basic furniture. The right accessories such as decorative lighting, art, carpets and accessories are key to achieving the 'wow' effect that I look for in my designs," Hoyos said.

In search of practicality, furniture designers and manufacturers have chosen to eliminate elements such as television cabinets, which with the new plasmas and LCD have become unofficial. Mariana and Adriana agree that the tall, large furniture that made the environments heavy is already in disuse and has slowly been replaced by more versatile materials.

On the list of new materials are stainless steel, some metal alloys and materials such as rattan and leathers.

To highlight
A stylish project

The Trump Ocean Club International Hotel & Tower Panama is Adriana Hoyos' latest project. The designer shared with us some of the particularities of the project.

"We designed with an interior concept and furniture line for the BAYLFOTS area its lobby and common areas. Additionally the lobby and common areas of the condominiums for what differs three concepts of decoration: warm contemporary, elegant tropical and urban minamilista".

Adriana details that the Baylofts offer a modern and urban look, guaranteeing spectacular views of the marina and the Pacific Ocean. "The wood used in the furniture includes authentic texture in contrast to white finishes and street art. The Bay Lofts present a modern atmosphere with fine and straight lines, solid black, white and gray colors in a perfect combination and with delicate accessories and details."

Author: Vanesa Restrepo

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