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Access control system based on facial recognition

Peru. Visitors will have the opportunity to know in practice, an access control system for closed condominiums, offices and business buildings, based on facial recognition, from May 26 to 28, at the Jockey Plaza Convention Center, during the Seguritec Peru International Fair. 

The innovation will be demonstrated by Axis Communications, a Swedish manufacturer of digital technologies, in two areas within the Anixter stand. The realization of this experience will begin in the Axis space, where the visitor can press an access code in the AXIS A4011-E reading terminal. Immediately, a green signal will be lit next to it, indicating that the door was opened using AXIS A1001 door controller. 

At this time, the person will have the image of their face captured by axis F1015 hidden camera, with Full HD resolution and viewing angle of up to 108 degrees. The hidden camera comes with Dynamic Wide Range technology with Forensic Capture, to compensate for the contrast of light between the person and the background. 

By walking to the ISS manufacturer's area inside the Anixter stand, which will be right next door, the visitor will be able to check the second part of the experience: on a screen, a notice will inform if the person who pressed the key and opened the door corresponds to the face available in the system's dice base. If it's not the same person, an alert will sound. 

The access control solution with face recognition represents what is most innovative for the safety of residents and professionals, and allows an intelligent management of the entry of people into an environment. 

- Publicidad -

As a complement to the system, two cameras capable of recognizing vehicle patents in different situations will also be on demonstration. On the one hand, AXIS M1125-E camera, also Full HD, is indicated for the control of vehicle entry in closed condominiums, office parking lots and shopping centers. On the other hand, to read the patent of vehicles at high speed on a road, at night and with the lanterns on, Axis Communications will exhibit the AXIS Q1614 camera, high performance, which is used with advanced video surveillance software such as ISS SecurOS, which offers a high ability to identify, for example, stolen vehicles or vehicles blacklisted. 

"Peru is in a favorable moment for the popularization of advanced technologies such as face recognition and the reading of vehicle patents," says Andrei Junqueira, Sales and New Business Manager at Axis. "Local companies that work with analog video surveillance and want to take a step forward with digital technology can count on our knowledge and local support to gain market and bring their customers the most innovative in access control and video surveillance," adds Junqueira. 

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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