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International Forum & Expo Sustainable Design and Construction

Colombia. Guillermo Hevia, from GH+A, Chile, will be at Construverde with his presentation "cases of sustainable architecture in the industry".

"Be part of the change" is the theme of the eighth version of Construverde Colombia 2017 International Forum & Expo on Sustainable Design and Construction, which is organized by the Colombian Council for Sustainable Construction (CCCS) and will take place in Bogotá, on Wednesday, August 9 and Thursday, August 10, 2017 at the Cubo de Colsubsidio.

"Guillermo Hevia is an outstanding Chilean architect with an important trajectory and contributions to the development of industrial, corporate, pharmaceutical and housing architecture projects, with bioclimatic designs and sustainability, renewable and clean energies, and environmental protection," said Cristina Gamboa, Executive Director of the Colombian Council of Sustainable Construction.

Hevia is a founding partner of Guillermo Hevia Arquitectos GH+A (1985) and Biotech Chile Consultores Ltda. (2007). He graduated as an Architect from the University of Chile with distinction (1976) and has a diploma in sustainable architecture from the Pontificia Univ. Catholic of Chile (2002).

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In buildings for industrial use, sustainable design and innovation in materials has a great potential to contribute to energy efficiency goals, since these buildings due to their destination can be very intensive in the use of non-renewable resources and therefore tend to be large generators of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

"I have called my presentation "Cases of sustainable architecture in the industry", because the industry is possibly where the greatest energy consumption is concentrated, the greatest concentrations of impact on the environment and also where many people work. I think it is interesting from the point of view of architecture to approach these problems and solve in some way, with the resources that we have, the solutions that society is asking us for and demanding of us.

Chile and Colombia have very similar realities, so I think it is very important to be able to exchange these experiences," said Guillermo Hevia.

Hevia is an experienced lecturer on the subject and has participated in international congresses and Architecture Biennials in Latin America and Europe. For the high quality of his work, and his contributions as a pioneer in solutions for large industrial plants, his projects have been selected for outstanding international publications and he has been awarded with national and international awards.

With his project "Food Production and Research Center", in Carozzi, Chile, which is a bioclimatic project, certified in sustainable construction with LEED, Gold level, he won the award for "Best Project of the year 2015" at Archdaily, the "Expo Blanca Montaña" / EADES  2010 award - Berlin, Germany and was also designated as one of the 12 best Chilean projects in the last 20 years.

His most recent challenge has been to design and build a 2,500 square meter building for the LSST Telescope, which will be ready in 2018. This telescope works as a 3.2 billion pixel digital camera that every night will capture images of the cosmos to be distributed by Google from northern Chile. 

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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