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Ten hospitals with the largest capacity to serve patients in Mexico

Mexico. Last year Global Health Intelligence issued a ranking of the best equipped hospitals in Latin America, where our country was included, considering 4 different categories: hospitals best equipped to receive patients, best hospitals to accommodate newborns, hospitals with the largest amount of equipment for diagnostic imaging and the highest concentration on cardiovascular health.

The specific data from Mexico showed the 10 largest hospitals, according to the capacity of patients in bed that can attend: Women's Hospital of the Government of Mexico City with 961 beds, General Hospital of Mexico (944 beds), Civil Hospital of Guadalajara Fray Antonio Alcalde (924), Central Military Hospital (792), La Raza Medical Center of the IMSS (740), Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Juan I. Menchaca (693), Hospital Universitario Eleuterio González (682), Hospital Regional 46 of the IMSS in Guadalajara and the Hospital de Gineco-obstetricia 23 of the IMSS in Monterrey (584).

However, it is well known that the size and capacity of a hospital is not directly proportional to the service and quality of care that patients can receive; it can determine its capacity, but not its service and effectiveness. However, there are resources that can be used and that will contribute in some way to providing better services and promoting better healing progress.

Architecture that heals
For both hospitals and private practices, the wellness factor represents an increasingly important function. Health service buildings have an active contribution to the process of healing, relaxation and revitalization of patients, without ruling out that architecture and design could have the ability to boost the healing process through physical and psychological stimuli. These new knowledge and ideas give a new impetus to the practice of space design, where daylight revives and gives motivation, colors stimulate and modern design conveys the impression of competence and experience.

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Two examples illustrate this trend:
Liv Ulus Hospital, Turkey: The design concept implemented at Liv Ulus Hospital in Istanbul aligns with the mobilization of self-healing forces inherent in the human body. Using dormakaba ES 400 sliding door operator.

National Heart Centre, Singapore: Open, light-drenched architecture directs the gaze towards the landscape in the outer area, providing lush green lawns and hanging gardens as oases of tranquility for body and soul. Broadway Malyan Architects developed the concept in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, supported by architectural partnership Ong & Ong.

Dormakaba products can be seen on all twelve floors of the complex and in a wide range of different areas. Automatic sliding and back-and-forth doors (ES 200 and ES 200 Easy, ED 200 and ED 250) ensure barrier-free access, while the dormakaba door locking system keeps the flow of ongoing traffic. Having a broad product portfolio means that there is always the right product for the right application: ITS 96, TS 92, TS 93, BTS 80. In addition to these, the movable walls (Variflex and MODEO) offer maximum flexibility for the use of spaces.

A holistic approach taken by everyone involved in the construction and interior design of the building is an essential condition for sustainable architecture. The dormakaba project advisory team offers extensive assistance in all planning work involving the division of rooms, access and door control. From the planning of health facilities, it is essential to take into account all the factors that can influence the environment, both natural and man-made, in which patients are housed, from geological distortions in local bases to electromagnetic radiation produced by daily examinations.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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