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The 7 dimensions of BIM, the methodology that will change construction in Latin America

Latin America. The BIM methodology (Building Information Modeling), is a collaborative work tool based on the use of a dynamic data management software of a civil infrastructure throughout the entire life cycle, covering the three most important general phases of a project: design, construction and maintenance.

With this, the work process through BIM is based on the creation of the so-called 'Project Information Model', which includes the geometric characteristics and spatial design of it, its spatial interrelations with other elements, the planning of its different parts in time, its geographical information, as well as the volumes and properties of its components.

This method, which will reach a global market of 18.8 trillion dollars in 2024, involves all the different types of professional project organizers, such as designers, engineers, architects, contractors, builders or suppliers.

The different stages of design and management of an infrastructure, together with the phases of maintenance and dismantling of the same, take place immersed in a work dynamic in which 7 different dimensions can be highlighted:

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• 1ST DIMENSION: THE IDEA. Every project implemented according to the BIM methodology starts from an initial idea. This first dimension would include actions such as determining the location and initial conditions of the structure.

• 2ND DIMENSION: THE SKETCH. After the initial phase, we proceed to the preparation of the sketch phase, in which the generic characteristics of the project are determined. Part of this phase are the preparation of modelling using BIM software, the approach of materials, the definition of structural loads, the determination of the energy dimension of the project and the establishment of the bases for its overall sustainability.

• 3RD DIMENSION: THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL GRAPHIC MODEL. Once all the information corresponding to the first two dimensions has been collected, it is time to proceed to the geometric modeling of the infrastructure in 3D format.

• 4TH DIMENSION: TIME. Here is the main hallmark that characterizes and differentiates BIM from other methodologies and / or traditional work software: dynamism. Compared to project models that are purely static in reality, the BIM methodology brings a new temporal dimension.

• 5TH DIMENSION: THE COST. This phase includes the analysis and estimation of the costs of the project, in addition to its control as it progresses or is modified. By integrating BIM detailed information from each of the constituent elements, it is relatively simple to generate budget reports at any time during the life of the infrastructure.

• 6TH DIMENSION: SUSTAINABILITY ANALYSIS. It is the approach and simulation of contingent alternatives and analyze them, in order to determine which of them is most suitable to be carried out.

• 7th DIMENSION. LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT. BIM represents a management environment in which information regarding an infrastructure is located and organized throughout its useful life.

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In this way, there is a process of continuous modification and feedback that records all the variations between the initial project and reality, in such a way that there is a total correspondence between the BIM model and the real result.

The BIM methodology has important advantages over the traditional CAD methodology, especially in large-scale works, to the point that the execution of many of the large projects carried out in recent years, such as the Panama Canal or the London Crossrail, would not have been possible without BIM.

Among all its advantages, those derived from the incorporation of the temporal dimension to the design process stand out, as well as the integration of management and maintenance during the periods of life cycle and dismantling of the infrastructures. These additions allow the optimization of the design, construction and maintenance phases in all its aspects, as well as facilitating the generation of synergies between the different stages of the project. Likewise, it allows an optimal choice between the different alternatives of the most appropriate project.

Given these advantages, it is not surprising that the use of BIM has been applied with resounding success in large projects. Among them, the example of the Crossrail of London is an illustration of the importance that the methodology acquires on these dimensions. Thanks to its implementation, it was possible to manage more than 5 million documents related to the construction process, as well as a total of 300,000 CAD model files. Even Malcolm Taylor, Head of Technical Information of that project, stressed that the management of such an amount of information would not have been possible without BIM.

The New International Airport of Mexico City is another of the great infrastructures that are added to the management through BIM, having received the AEC Excellence Awards, delivered by Autodesk, in the same way as the Panama Canal, which received the Autodesk BIM Experience award for the design of its third lock complex.

With such data, it is not surprising that the use of BIM has been widespread in the construction sector in Europe in recent years. In fact, Directive 2014/24/EU introduces its use in all public tenders from September 2018 for member countries.

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In this sense, it is striking how in Spain 85% of the companies in the sector have not yet implemented this work methodology in a general way in their projects.

However, Spanish legislation establishes its mandatory use as of June 26, 2019, so that in the coming times great professional opportunities will be provided in this field. Other European countries that already present their projects through the use of BIM are the United Kingdom, France or Germany, which represent the European technological vanguard.

Equally noteworthy is the role of Latin America in this field, where some studies support that the hiring of BIM Manager profiles in 2020 will increase by 11%. Countries such as Chile or Argentina are already investing heavily in this type of technology, in which they stand out with works such as the provincial hospital of Curicó.

The BIM methodology is here to stay, the future of the civil engineering sector passes through its domain. Specialized profiles are increasingly demanded by the industry and the skill with their software seems essential for professional success.

Juan Antonio Cuartero. General Manager of (

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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