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Ilunion Hotel's energy expenditure is reduced by 25% with Bosch technology

International. The Commercial and Industrial area of Bosch Termotecnia, a division belonging to the Bosch Group, has presented together with Efiwik a success story at the Hotel Ilunion in Calas de Conil (Spain), where its hot water system has been modernized, through the introduction of new boilers, which have reduced energy expenditure by 25%.

The 295-room hotel had atmospheric propane gas boilers that were 15 years old. To upgrade the domestic hot water system, the Bosch Commercial and Industrial area has supplied six wall condensing boilers of the Logamax plus GB162 V2 model of 100 kW each. A boiler of the Buderus brand that has the iF Product Design Award in the industrial category and that will have its equivalence in the market as the new Condens 5000 W, after the consolidation of the change of brand from Buderus to Bosch.

The six boilers used at the Hotel Ilunion, manufactured with an aluminum-silicon boiler body, mount ceramic burners of gas premix and combustion group with control of the number of revolutions of the fan. With this equipment, seasonal yields of up to 110% are achieved with very low noise levels, complying with the European Ecodesign Directive.

These equipment have the ALUplus technology, patented by Buderus, which consists of finned tube exchangers with plasmapolymerization treatment, with which a better thermal transmission is achieved to obtain greater performance and a self-cleaning mechanism that reduces its maintenance.

- Publicidad -

For the economic feasibility study, the Bosch commercial-industrial solutions brand has provided Efiwik with the Logasoft E+, its own software that, after the completion of its definitive rebranding to Bosch, will be renamed EasySoft E+. This software allows to know in advance the results that will be obtained through an energy estimation process, in which the number of hours of operation of the installation, the calculation of losses and the calculation of heat recovery of the boilers are taken into account.

Thus, with the results obtained from this process, it has been possible to estimate that, thanks to the implementation of the new equipment, energy expenditure would be reduced by 25%. But it is not the only positive environmental impact that could be estimated with this software, but it is also expected to reduce NOx and CO2 by 75% and 25% respectively.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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