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Your workspace could be killing you, how do you remedy it?

In America and Europe, most adults sit 55% to 70% of their time, i.e. 9 to 11 hours a day. This article seeks to show how technology has reached work spaces incorporating new styles and dynamics of work. 

Office work has historically been characterized as an activity that involves spending continuous hours of the day sitting in front of a desk or monitor. According to Humanscale, a pioneer and leader in the manufacture of ergonomic products for comfort at work, although digitalization and the technological revolution has reached work spaces incorporating new styles of work more flexible and personalized to the productivity needs of employees, this sedentary dynamic is still the norm in most Mexican companies. 

Currently, the number of diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle has surpassed the diseases related to tobacco use worldwide. Being in the same position for more than 8 hours without rest intervals could lead to obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, fluid retention, circulatory problems, hypertension, brain problems and promote the appearance of varicose veins, spider veins, among others.  Dr. James Levine, in a CNBC article[2] points out that when we are sitting, the muscles are "deactivated", drastically lowering energy consumption and insulin effectiveness, so it could prove lethal in the long term. 

On the other hand, a study, conducted at the University of Sydney, Australia, published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine, suggests that people who sit eight to eleven hours a day have a 15% higher risk of contracting diseases, than those who sit four hours a day or less. In addition to this problem, diseases associated with inadequate lighting have also appeared, for example, eye fatigue, headache or migraine and stress. One of the best known effects of poor lighting is Visual Fatigue Syndrome, which already affects 75% of computer users worldwide. 

- Publicidad -

Given this panorama for the worker, Humanscale proposes ergonomics and active design in workspaces through a line of tools designed for the well-being and health of the worker, offering unique solutions that not only avoid physical disorders in their users, but also promote and promote productivity.

For example, the Humanscale Freedom chair has a high and articulated backrest that prevents back and neck pains, so frequent during working hours.  Additionally, to encourage the alternation between sitting and standing work and also reduce the conditions of sedentary lifestyle, it offers the QuickStand Under Desk monitor arm, which is a discreet active work solution that integrates perfectly to the desks internally, allowing to adjust its height in a simple way, while granting stability when writing and supports simple or dual monitors up to 16 Kilos.  This type of device not only adjusts to the height of each user, but also allows the standing work that is so necessary to fulfill the tasks of the work without neglecting health.

Finally, to address the visual problem, which is becoming increasingly noticeable in all offices, Humanscale presents lighting of the highest quality, the Horizon 2.0 lamp, raises the quality of light on any task, contains the latest in LED technology and PVC alternatives suitable for the home and office. Its bright light does not dazzle and is also focused on the target, avoiding reflections and reducing headaches or optical problems in the future.

In short, if you work sitting eight hours a day or more, it is important to have the tools that allow you to carry out the tasks productively since, otherwise, you will be reducing health in every way. It is also a priority   to take short breaks during your working hours, stand up and take a few steps within the same office to avoid serious injuries, reactivate the body and improve performance and concentration. 

About Humanscale
Humanscale is a leading designer and manufacturer of high-performance ergonomic products that improve the health and comfort of working life. By leveraging new technology in functional and minimalist designs, Humanscale transforms traditional offices into active, smart workspaces. Humanscale is committed to making a positive impact on the earth, as well as our customers, and offers award-winning products, designed with a focus on function, simplicity and longevity. For more information, visit

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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