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Ventilation: the most important system for healthy buildings

Ventilación EdificiosInternational. New research from Uponor has found that creating truly healthy buildings is not possible without significant engagement, due to the challenges currently facing the construction sector.

In a survey of more than 200 construction industry professionals, 95% of respondents said the M&E (Electrical and Mechanical Systems) sector is unable to deliver healthy high-rise buildings without overcoming major challenges. The research, which is detailed in the new whitepaper 'Tomorrow's High-Rise, Net Zero Buildings: Is the Construction Industry Ready?', shows that these challenges include commitments to reduce costs and accelerate construction that often lead to a lower standard of end-user well-being.

The impact the buildings we live in and work on our health is more relevant than ever, as many people spend extended periods of time indoors along with increased awareness of how smart building design can help minimize the spread of germs.

Research supports this, and 90% of respondents agree that the built environment plays an important role in our daily well-being. M&E systems were recognized as especially crucial, and the most important systems were identified as:

- Publicidad -

- Ventilation (77.5%)
- Water supply (47.5%)
- Temperature (43.5%)

However, even though nearly half of respondents cited temperature control as an important factor in creating a healthy building, 20% admitted they would commit to this if cost were an issue.

In addition, it was revealed that square footage of leasable/saleable areas sometimes increases to the detriment of M&E systems. Examples of this include vent air filters blocked due to limited space, meaning they cannot be properly maintained or replaced. Similarly, radiant heating systems are often found on the fringes of fan-coil units and radiator systems, even though studies show that radiant heating provides better thermal comfort, takes up less space, and is more efficient.

In support of Uponor's research, the issue of building standards affecting health and well-being was also raised in a recent report on current housing that revealed that current regulations risk creating lower quality housing. This is a problem that could be compounded by the UK government's recent building planning reforms, which are designed to speed up the pace of construction, a decision that has been criticised by professional bodies, including the Royal Institute of British Architects.

James Griffiths, Uponor's Director of Project Development, said: "Uponor has a wealth of experience in supplying water systems for high-rise residential facilities, where the scale and complexity of the structure means there are many factors that need to be taken into account to ensure that the water network will optimise the health and well-being of residents.

"Making commitments to M&E systems, such as heating and water supply, could reduce upfront costs, but we need to think about the long-term suitability of the buildings we're creating, particularly in today's climate. Taking shortcuts to build faster or cheaper risks significantly reducing the quality of construction and making it even more difficult for construction industry professionals to design, build and maintain homes that adequately support our health and well-being."

As part of his research, Uponor spoke with several experts from the construction industry. AWG Architects project architect Marjon Van Elk said: "The M&E aspects of a building are the most important parts of making it healthy, especially when providing comfort, heating and ventilation, so it's important that it's done right."

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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