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Investment in sustainable energy returns to pre-pandemic levels


International. According to Johnson Controls' latest Annual Energy Efficiency Indicators Survey, investments in sustainable solutions for energy generation and storage have recovered to pre-pandemic levels. However, it points out that the challenges remain.

This 15th version of the survey revealed that 62% of the organizations consulted expect to increase investments in energy efficiency, renewable energy or smart building technology in 2022, indicating a return to pre-pandemic levels. However, it is relevant to bear in mind that, since the publication of the last report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the United Nations, in 2014, it has been warned of the urgent need for a transformation on a global scale to combat climate change.

Nonetheless, the survey found that entities still face challenges in accelerating their sustainability efforts in key areas. What's more, about 66% of respondents said they struggle to scale sustainability initiatives across buildings, geographies or business units.

Katie McGinty, vice president and chief sustainability and external relations officer at Johnson Controls said: "Whether we are facing the damage caused by natural events that climate change has led to, the health threat of the pandemic, or now, the stark demonstration of the insecurity of the global energy supply, it is clear that taking action to reduce energy demand, while 'decarbonising' and cleaning up the air, is a fundamental strategy for businesses, governments and institutions not only to survive but thrive."

- Publicidad -

The trend of heat pump technology
For its part, the survey revealed that planned investment in energy generation or storage has grown significantly during the last five years, for example, thermal energy storage rose from 27% to 42% in that period. It is likely that this is in response to the global focus on 'decarbonisation', that is, the process of reducing carbon emissions, especially carbon dioxide (CO2). More than a third of respondents plan to replace fossil fuel heating equipment with heat pump technology next year, representing a 7% increase.

Healthy, safe and green buildings
The document ensures that, due to the pandemic, the protection of the health and safety of occupants became a priority for organizations. 65% of respondents conducted an indoor air quality assessment last year. They also said that improving the overall health and well-being of occupants and improving life safety were important factors for decision-making. Moreover, over the next 12 months, nearly 60% of companies and other associations plan to invest in improvements to the fire safety system and security system of their buildings.

The survey also found that the United States and Europe continue to lead green building planning metrics. Where the U.S. was characterized because its entities commented that they had already obtained the green building certification and expect to have a net zero energy or carbon construction in the next ten years.

Obstacles to scaling sustainability efforts
Although transformation on a global scale is necessary to correct the course of climate change, organizations face barriers to undertaking sustainability initiatives. Nearly half of respondents say their top barrier to seeking improvements in energy and construction technology is a lack of funds to pay for improvements (25 percent) or uncertainty in return on investment (23 percent). In addition, more than half of those surveyed pointed to the lack of technology as one of the obstacles to scaling sustainability efforts.Inversión en soluciones energéticas sustentables  informe EEI

The UK, France, Japan and the US lead the rest of the world in plans to increase investment in energy efficiency, renewable energy or smart building technology. More companies are planning investments in building technology that will keep their occupants healthy and safe, yet financing and access to the technology is a barrier.

Finally, among Johnson Controls' solutions aimed at environmental care are heat pumps and the OpenBlue digital platform, as well as its Net Zero service partnership offering, are exactly the right tools at the right time. time for leaders determined to stay ahead of challenges and offer new opportunities for their business or organization."

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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