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Trajectory and competitiveness of Facility Management, a recognition for contributing to sustainability

Latin America. For the first time within the framework of the TecnoEdificios congress, the trajectory and competitiveness of companies dedicated to facility management and professionals in the areas of cleaning and maintenance will be rewarded.

In relation to the LATAM TECNOEDIFICIOS SHOW AWARD 2022, the academic committee of TecnoEdificios analyzed each of the applications and when evaluating all the variables that generated scores, they showed the company PACTIA (Medellín Headquarters) as the winner, since through its energy efficiency project it strengthens the trajectory and business competitiveness which enhances environmental sustainability and social responsibility. This project complies with the reduction of energy consumption, waste management and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

As for other variables associated with business trajectory and competitiveness, the number of employees in the Facility Management area, years that the company has been implementing the project, number of offices (associated with Facility Management services) per country, number and name of sustainable projects in the environment were taken into account.

Due to the importance of facility management, in each of the buildings worldwide, the development, management and maintenance of buildings and facilities must be sustainable, but above all innovative. It is very important to take into account several factors, such as the use and search for new technologies, but above all that they offer sustainability both environmentally and economically.

The objective of the congress and fair organized by Latin Press, is to offer tools for a better operation and administration for all types of buildings, with spaces for approaching new and improved technologies, which will help the development and improvement of users. Thus, how to seek leadership in LATAM, offering strategic training spaces for all types of consumers from health facilities, education, to large industrial and residential buildings.

- Publicidad -

As part of the training provided by several experts, it is important to highlight the participation of the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) that will offer two (2) conferences of two (2) hours the two (2) days of the congress. The talks are part of an "FM Essentials" certification offered by IFMA, taught by Roberto Mejías and Kathia Ramírez, maintenance and FM experts.

Visitors to the expo will also be able to take advantage of the free space of the Experience Forum that will feature short talks on innovative products. The most prominent guest is SENA (National Learning Service).

<After the spaces of education and knowledge there is room for fun. Those attending both congresses will have the right to attend the Latin Party, with prior registration, the closing activity that will be held in a "chiva rumbera". For their attendance at all the conferences they will also be able to participate to receive exclusive prizes (different for each congress) delivered by the sponsors of the event.

TecnoEdificios -CleanTec SHOW AMERICAS
Date: November 22 and 23, 2022
Place: Hotel Intercontinental – Medellín, Colombia
For more information about the Congress: Carolina Gallego – [email protected]

Andrea Ochoa Restrepo
Author: Andrea Ochoa Restrepo
Coordinadora Académica KNX. Editora en Latin Press, Inc. Candidata al título: Magister en Economía Aplicada, con amplia experiencia en medios de comunicación y Políticas Públicas. [email protected]

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