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A comprehensive cleaning and maintenance plan reduces costs by up to 20%


Latin America. Grupo EULEN Panama highlighted aspects related to the importance of developing a comprehensive plan for cleaning and maintenance of infrastructures for companies, since these two aspects are properly implemented, guaranteeing the progress and sustainability of operations, thus anticipating the atmospheric conditions and natural wear and tear that the entire physical structure faces.

In this context, proper cleaning and preventive maintenance significantly improve productivity and make a good impression on both internal employees and external users. Hence the importance of considering both sides as a proactive measure to protect and preserve the long-term value of investments.

According to Grupo EULEN Panama, establishing these protocols generates savings ranging from 10% to 20%; However, the company highlights other competitive advantages:

1. A clean and organized workplace makes people focus and work faster, which increases productivity.
2. Regular attention to these aspects reduces the risk of workplace accidents and promotes a safe and healthy work environment.
3. The corporate image is positively impacted, as it gives a sense of professionalism and care, which inspires confidence in employees and customers.
4. Preventive maintenance reduces wear and tear on infrastructure, extending its service life and avoiding costly repairs in the long run.
5. Avoid penalties by ensuring that the company complies with regulatory standards and occupational health and safety standards.
The application of this type of plan is developed in any type of industry, being carried out at scale according to needs and that includes everything from very basic assistance to fundamental or more complex procedures. For example, structure care includes flooring, painting, locksmithing, furniture, etc.; In addition, there is the maintenance of equipment such as the use and management of air conditioners, elevators, lighting, electricity, common spaces, condition of exterior and interior spaces of the buildings, among others.

- Publicidad -

According to Antonio Pérez, general manager of Grupo EULEN Panama, "a successful comprehensive plan is one that allows you to reduce costs and establish continuous improvement processes; But for it to be a reality, the model has to include planning and control of actions, which must be directed by a strategic ally with the capacity and experience to back it up. By 2024, companies implementing these protocols will be in a better position to compete in the market."

Pérez adds that this method is a joint work of the property manager with the service provider, understanding the need and developing strategies that respond to the company's resources, with indicators that are kept under constant review to make the corresponding adjustments. "Including all stakeholders is vital to define objectives and targets, under an implementation and monitoring agenda," he added.

In order to offer society innovative services that provide useful, quality and more efficient solutions, Grupo EULEN Panama ensures that it has conventional techniques and a high degree of specialization in these two areas, through the strict application of the regulations of equipment, products and prevention procedures, to guarantee the safety of people and a minimum invasion to the daily operation of the companies.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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