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A picture is worth more

Themed rooms, great attraction for corporate travelers traveling as a family

by Marcela Ledesma

Children matter. Hotel chains have demonstrated this with the growing trend to include more and more services for small users. Themed rooms seem to be a pinnacle of the attention that the guests of the future deserve. Although some hotel chains around the world have ventured into this juicy business, in Latin America only one has ventured to do so.

Always ready to take a step further, the Hilton chain has managed to position its properties at the forefront of purely corporate accommodations, with excellently equipped business centers available to all its guests. Not satisfied with it, he goes for more.

Responding to the concept of "constant innovation" embodied by its regional management, Hilton Buenos Aires, at the initiative of Ketchum Argentina, the corporate communication company, has been implementing its Thematic Rooms for four years. The first experience was the Barbie Room, in 2004, which had an immediate impact and inaugurated a trend in the world market. In the years 2005 and 2006 continued with the quarters of Batman and Superman, accompanying the release of their respective films.

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The themed rooms for children, far from changing the focus of their corporate management, are a plus for customers by offering them the possibility of traveling accompanied by minors. From the curtains to the bathroom the rooms are completely redecorated according to the chosen motif. There are no more than two rooms that are enabled for a limited period, usually in coincidence with the winter holidays.

The image is the best gain

"The objective is not profitability," explains Analía Ogando, Director of Business Development, Sales and Marketing at Hilton Buenos Aires, "but to achieve a high impact that generates a very positive image return. It is a way to build customer loyalty through innovative and creative services. The first action we faced was a test, we did not know if it would have continuity, but it was so positive to position ourselves as a totally executive-friendly corporate hotel in a family plan, that we decided to repeat the experience with films that had a very important impact of public and media. "

This year, for the first time, an exclusive room for girls and another for boys were presented. For them Barbie returned to a room on the 5th floor of the hotel connected to another deluxe category. At the hotel reception a car of the most famous doll in the world awaits the girls to take them to their fantasy room. By transposing the threshold, all the decoration, from pillows to carpets and ammenities are in tune with the wrist; there is a little house full of games, movies and a dressing room with clothes and makeup so that the girls can dress accordingly.

For them, the proposal was the famous Hot Wheels cars. There the same concept of decoration that advances to the beds is repeated: one designed as a car repair center and the other as a car illuminated with neon light on its bottom and a special candle on the table that accompanies the bed. When it comes to games, they not only have fast race tracks and the complete collection of Hot Wheels vehicles, but puzzles, movies, walkie talkies and music.

For the child inside 

The themed rooms are complemented by a gastronomic proposal specially designed for small guests by the chefs of the El Faro restaurant, where the dishes are decorated with the relevant motifs. The other surprise this year was that the Health Club Fitness & Spa prepared a plan for girls to share with their moms a fun moment of relaxation and come out turned into real princesses.

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"For the chain it is important to contribute to maintaining the balance between work and home and we find that these proposals are very well received by our guests because it gives them a way to integrate their affections to a place, such as our hotel, which they have already chosen for their professional activities," says Analía Ogando.   they booked the Barbie room to fulfill their childhood fantasies themselves; others, on the other hand, chose to invite nieces or goddaughters and there was also no shortage of grandparents who reserved to entertain their grandchildren. "This is a captive audience that is waiting for these proposals. This year, already before making the official launch of the rooms, we began to receive inquiries and even reservations. All of which reaffirms that the choice has been a great success; we are gaining in loyalty and, of course, in international presence since we were the first hotel to carry out programs of this type," he says.

Just as Barbie's was the first themed room in the world, this year's Hot Wheels was also the first themed room. In both cases, Hilton Buenos Aires worked in partnership with Mattel, a world leader in the design, manufacture and sale of toys, owner, among others, of the Barbie and Hot Wheels brands. María Maranessi, Mattel's manager for the Southern Cone and the Andean Region, expressed the satisfaction of having associated the name with the Hilton brand to create a product so successful that it becomes a privileged showcase for Mattel products. "It's an opportunity for our licensees to showcase all their products to a truly attractive market potential," she said.

Immediately having launched its themed rooms, Hilton Buenos Aires was imitated by other hotels of the chain, such as those in Toronto and Cartagena. Other hotel groups are closely following these developments to see how they incorporate some similar actions.

Everyone in their game

Hotel chains are increasingly innovating in services and proposals for children. Marriott recently announced its partnership with Nickelodeon to develop a new lodging concept in 12 years. The first nickelodeon Marriott property will be a 650-room complex in Liberty Station, San Diego, offering a variety of pools and interactive attractions scheduled to open in 2010.

According to J.W. Marriott, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Marriott International, these hotels are designed to meet the demand of a new generation of business people who are willing to make their trips accompanied by their family, combining work routines with free time and family fun.
The children's suites will feature pleasing design themed with Nickelodeon figures. In addition to a variety of dining options, the "NickToons Café" will provide a casual and friendly atmosphere, ideal for daily Nickelodeon breakfasts as well as special evenings.

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The 20 themed hotels planned by this alliance are expected to be completed in 2020. Meanwhile, we will have to see the new steps that each brand will take to adjust its offer to a segment that not only grows but is constantly reconverted and poses new demands. The first Nickelodeon hotel opened two years ago in Orlando, Florida, thanks to an agreement with Holiday Inn.

Other hotel chains have incorporated more services into their children's clubs and made agreements with well-known brands such as Plaza Sesamo and Crayola.

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