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Successful management of the food and beverage area

For the food and beverage sector to function, develop and grow in a successful way, it is necessary that the management of this area is able to articulate all the sectors involved and that make up this business unit, such as room service, bars, restaurants and event and convention halls, it is also necessary to  create and implement new ideas and projects that accompany and support the already existing in search of constant evolution and improvement.

by Lucas Martínez*

I firmly maintain and based on my personal  experience that this specific sector has enormous potential  in the near and immediate future, as the increasingly close competitive battle for employment must be faced with creativity, imagination and constant advances in all sectors, especially in terms of food and beverages.

Think about the competition

- Publicidad -

One of the basic  and fundamental points is that the profitability of a place,  especially that referred to the hotel industry, is given by the amount of time that we manage to keep or retain the guest under our orbit and that in one way or another we "force" him to use the services that are at his disposal within the hotel and that he uses or resorts to a lesser extent to the external resources that could get in the area near our establishment (as a clear example of this we can cite that the guest decides to have lunch in the hotel restaurant and not somewhere outside it).

The increase in offers in rooms for events, bars and restaurants in areas near or near the hotels,  can harm in  one way or another our actions, profitability and functionality of the food and beverage department, it is for this same reason that if we are not able to match or exceed the external offer, we will be forced into a depressive  curve that will affect  all areas of AA&BB equally.

As a first step it is necessary that all the members of this sector understand basically how it is composed, although these  sectors that it conforms and we described them previously, all are made up of two elements that must work together and  perfectly under the control of management  as the teeth of the same gear properly  oiled and calibrated to be able to reach a good port with the development of operations. They could be described as:

Perceptible and demonstrative gear

The perceptible aspect of the business points fundamentally to all those elements that are visible and palpable for the daily reality of the guest or client referred in a special way to the food and beverage  department and that within their stay  they may  use or require, such as a cocktail, the presentation of a plate of food or a buffet, the decoration and presentation of a room, the perfect hygiene of various sectors, the neatness in the clothes of the staff, etc.

The  vast majority of these items are the easiest to fulfill, develop and express since many of them are standardized by default by the heads of each sector  or by internal hotel rules in order to achieve a certain level of homogeneity over time in them. However, those responsible for each area must carry out a permanent follow-up of them, to verify their real and  effective compliance by the personnel in charge of their realization.
Imperceptible and sensory gear

The imperceptible factor encompasses all those elements that are palpable to the client and form the basis  of their secondary and sensory perception and remain and are recognized by the client within the atmosphere of the place in question, unlike a plate of food or a drink, this gear is absorbed by guests and visitors  almost subliminally, is present in the atmosphere of the place, the warmth, the welcome smile,  the fraternal and attentive greeting, the speed in the attention, the feeling of cleanliness and order, the warm farewell, it could be summarized in the general  feeling of well-being that creates and develops  in the client a feeling of tranquility, serenity and good willingness  and willingness  to stay within our  facilities and return another time.

- Publicidad -

Perhaps one of the most frequent errors in this sector is that since there are no palpable parameters  of comparison that  act as indicators of its correct realization, in countless cases it is neglected or not given the importance it deserves, one of the  most important points but not for that reason the only one of this system is based on the warmth and good attention on the part of everything. the staff indicated for this purpose, referring in particular to waiters, waitresses, maitres, sommeliers,  bartenders and any other person of AA&BB who may be in direct contact with the client.

Likewise, as a basic and fundamental premise, we must remember that the  hospitality service of the entire hotel industry is not based mainly on selling specific elements such as drinks, rooms, drinks,  souvenirs, trips or others, but it is about delivering and  making visitors live experiences and moments of relaxation, gratification  and satisfaction throughout the time and even after they have visited us. These feelings can also be shared with others through positive comments, it is towards that direction in which we must point in all our actions especially those related to food and beverages.

Antetitulo: Beyond supplies, sensory experience is the foundation of success
*Author of the book "The fascinating world of the bartender", director of LM comprehensive advice for bars and AA&BB sector in hospitality, director of LMbar, ultra premium cocktail bars for parties  and events. E-mail: [email protected]


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