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Memories of tissues

All the decorative elements of a hotel influence the image it projects to guests and visitors. In turn, textiles are the accessories that most generate remembering in the client being a differentiating factor for the next visit.

by Ana María Restrepo

Although many times the conception that everything enters through the eyes is not the best or most accepted in society, we have to admit that it is so true that we do not tolerate a dish poorly served, nor a bad combination of colors and much less we would sleep in a room in which all the elements are not in perfect order.

In the same way that fashions vary according to the seasons, trends and decoration materials also change, especially textiles for interiors, either for curtains, towels, sheets, on sheets, duvets, among others.

Textiles are a very important factor in the interior of a hotel, as they complement each of the activities of the daily life of the hotel industry, increasing comfort, elegance and distinction.
At the decorative level, the fabrics create a desired environment according to the space in which they are used. The fabrics allow a frequent renewal, in addition to the mixture of plain colors and prints.

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The advances of the textile industry allow the personalization of fabrics with some accessories and decorative accessories, as well as with images that can be the logos of a restaurant or a hotel.

For the hotel industry, the personalization of its textiles is important to achieve brand positioning and recall, the client identifies the logo anywhere and will refer to the memory of the hotel, also having the image engraved on the fabrics can make the client avoid a little the temptation to take the whites as a travel souvenir.

Curtains are also essential elements in a room, they give the final touch to the window and mark the style you want to transmit; however, you must choose the one that best suits the space and the hotel, as these are one of the attractions of the interior that are changed less frequently.

The handling of textiles is not something that should be taken lightly, as it must conform to the standards of the hotel according to its corporate identity which can be achieved through teamwork between the hotel designer and the designers of the textile supplier in order to unify the styles, according to Moises Fogel, sales director of Valley Forge.

But not only the material or styles are important, at the time of customizing a textile the color is decisive at the time of transmitting a concept according to what the hotel directives and the interior decorator determine, or in accordance with the logo of the company, as explained by José Luis Freire of Blancos Premium.

For the directives of the Hotel Crowne Plaza Tequendama, the colors represent the corporate image of the hotel, these must maintain the standard and the relationship of the appropriate use according to the design and as it is conceived in the brand, but at the same time the tone of the colors that identify the brand in a hotel, it cannot be implemented in an exaggerated  way in all the elements composed of textiles, for example: sheets, towels and robes must always be white.

The customization of the textiles of a hotel can be given in different areas such as accommodation, restaurants, bars and rooms for events. As expressed by the Crowne Plaza Tequendama Hotel, personalization provides identity, image, positioning and ease in inventory management.

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Design + image

In the hotel market the most important thing is to meet the needs of customers. To that extent, users demand certain special characteristics in fabrics, as Freire explains: "in terms of sheets and covers, the specifications that customers ask for are the composition of the fabric that can be 50% cotton combined with 50% polyester. The most commonly used type of fabric is percale, which bases its quality on the amount of threads it contains per square inch, the commercial one is 180 threads up to 200 threads. There are also customers who ask for 100% cotton fabric and up to 300 threads, although it is not highly recommended because it is shrinking".

For his part, Fogel explains that the important thing is to meet these needs and create designs according to what the supplier offers and they demand. Nowadays one of the biggest demands are recyclable fabrics, jaqard of different colors that after four years are not thrown away, but are collected and reused by other companies.

The demand for these personalized textiles is very high, because they must be used and washed every day, however, within the ecological policies of some hotels is leaving it to the guest to decide whether or not to change their targets every day, aspect that as such not only benefits the hotel in costs but the environment.

Everything is susceptible to be personalized

Among the textiles, the most suitable to be personalized are all fabrics for the bed such as sheets, on beds, decorative cushions, duvets, pillowcases, and mattress linings, as well as towels and robes. The shelf life of these textiles is between three and four years. As for the restaurants, tablecloths, tapas and napkins are personified; for the event halls the three previous elements plus the skirts.

Additionally, some hotels carry out a quality control based on a physical-chemical analysis according to the handling and washing tests, where it is possible to determine the consistency of the fabric and the resistance to breakage.

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Likewise, this resistance depends on the type of inputs with which the fabrics are manufactured; for example, for sheets and pillowcases, white percale is used 50% cotton, 50% polyester with 180 threads, in towels that are made of torzal fabric (two ends). In duvets, skirting boards, curtains, the fabric used is 100% polyester or at least 70% polyester, 30% cotton.

Style printing

Another differentiating factor of hotels is their design and style, something that must be kept in mind when making a balance between fashion, originality, taste, corporate identity and what is practical for both the hotel and the guests. Although sheets and other textiles are being considered recyclable, disposable materials used in hospitals and clinics have not touched the hospitality industry in the world, due to quality standards, service and customer needs.

For guests, finding personalized objects in hotels generates a sense of security, comfort and tranquility, in addition to generating recognition and remembering of the brand.

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