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Less consumption, more profit

altIn this article we have a guest expert in technologies for energy saving of hotels. Learn about their analysis and recommendations that seek to turn the industry into a paradise for the rest of people and the salvation of the planet.

By: Duván Chaverra A.

Surfing the net I drowned in endless articles talking about energy saving and environmentally friendly products. I have always believed that when the human being is on the edge of the abyss in a particular situation is when he decides to change his course and think about what is right or wrong, and therefore this issue of ecology has taken so much force in recent times, because our planet has already manifested itself asking for greater care to avoid self-destruction. The reaction is not long in coming.

In our industry in particular there are hotels that begin to worry more about having self-sufficient facilities, the same ones that the guest is frequently looking for to choose their resting place during a business appointment or a vacation.

For that reason, we consider it essential not to leave aside the issue of eco-efficient hotels and HOTEL MANAGEMENT also wants to contribute its grain of sand to this initiative that in addition to saving the planet also helps the pockets of many managers or hotel groups.

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So this time we invite Javier Berzosa, general manager of Eco Solutions Saving Energy, who will talk about some of the products that can currently be implemented in hotels for energy saving, their benefits and strategies to achieve that an establishment of this class reaches the category of eco-efficient.

Initially, Javier Berzosa explained the different types of technologies that are currently known for energy saving in hotels: "There are many options, the important thing is to choose those that give the best return on investment and those that have behind them a good technological support and guarantees. Of the most attractive solutions for hotels today, the following stand out:

- Ozone for laundry
- Solar panels for water heating
- Ionization of Swimming Pools
- LED lighting among others".

The guest assures that more and more hoteliers are approaching to look for alternatives to take care of the environment, partly because the consumption of travelers is tipping the balance towards this initiative.

"It is one of their priorities, because every day they are more aware that a change is needed, especially because many travelers are giving preference to hotels that take care of the environment or that are certified by a local or international entity," said Berzosa, who added that it does not matter the style of the establishment or its category when it comes to achieving an eco-efficient certification.

"I think the most important thing is the commitment of the owners and managers to convey the need to be eco-efficient. Probably for a small hotel it is more difficult to invest in some of these cutting-edge technologies, but on the other hand it is easier for these hotels to make decisions and establish guidelines," he said.

He also explains that a previous study to find the shortcomings in energy consumption is based on "conducting an audit of the facilities and equipment; as well as their consumption and costs."

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Benefits and alternatives
Saving money, even if it is a long-term investment, as well as the useful life of the equipment are some of the benefits of installing self-sufficient technologies. With this, the individual seeks to increase the effectiveness of their systems and at the same time increase the benefit of them: "Many of these technologies result in operational and maintenance savings, which give additional benefits to the hotel in terms of labor costs and longer life of its equipment," said the general manager of Eco Solutions Saving Energy.

But not only the issue of energy saving should reveal to the hotelier who wants to reduce their costs and help with the cause of the planet, as there are other alternatives that also contribute: "There are several interesting options such as recycling and reuse of materials, as well as the use of biodegradable chemicals, including collaboration with the community neighboring the hotel. In newly built hotels you can intervene from the design to take better advantage of natural light, ventilation and water use, among others".

Areas of consumption and strategies for reduction
Places such as laundries, kitchens, rooms, toilets, among others, are identified as the most energy consuming in a hotel, since their continuous use requires a constant energy and water supply.

The guest then explains the areas of the hotels that represent the most energy consumption and what strategies should be applied to reduce that consumption: "The highest energy are electricity and fuels for water heating. As for electricity, the good condition of the air conditioning equipment and the technological update of these is fundamental. Automation technologies can also be used to make air conditioning equipment and, of course, lighting more efficient."

Berzosa added about the water heating method that "there are technologies such as Ozone that eliminate 95% of the use of hot water from the laundry, which represents approximately 30% of the total consumption of hot water of the hotel. On the other hand, the use of renewable energies such as solar panels reduces by 80% the use of fuels for water heating."

Finally, the guest gave some recommendations that all hoteliers should keep in mind if they want to improve the energy consumption of their hotel: "I think the most important thing is to perform a cost analysis. It is also key to have very well controlled and measured the consumption of electricity, water, fuels, chemicals, among others. Once this information is analyzed, you will understand where it is most profitable to start and what kind of investments you have to make."

There is no doubt that more and more hotels are choosing to join the clan of environmentally friendly establishments, because over time they have understood that this is a significant benefit. Hopefully every year more and more hoteliers understand the need to improve their equipment and installed systems, with the sole purpose of giving more years of life to a planet that has taken care of us since the beginning of time.

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