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Service evaluation companies: mystery guest

altThe valuation of a hotel's services through the management of external professionals will help identify and solve bottlenecks.

by: Valterina Gherardi Torres*

How can I realize, as a hotel owner or manager, that the service provided by my collaborators is adequate and if they are performing their functions well? How can I be sure that the facilities of my hotel or restaurant are appropriate, functional and that they meet the requirements of the client?

Consumers seek and appreciate excellence in service. Hotel and restaurant owners want guests to be recurring. If we aspire to have users return again and again to our establishment, we must provide a quality service and infrastructure.

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One of the most effective ways to identify points of improvement, bottlenecks and more, is to carry out an evaluation carried out by an external company made up of specialists known as mystery guests, anonymous customers, incognito customers or mystery shoppers. In this way we will obtain an objective report prepared by a person who will demonstrate impartiality, without evidencing in his report preference for the staff or the company.

The mystery guest is an evaluator of hotels and restaurants, expert in observing in detail and analyzing the service provided by the staff, as well as the processes, procedures and facilities of a company.

His job is to prepare an exact report based on his hotel vision, which will allow him to detect bottlenecks in the different areas of the company, deficiencies in procedures, customer service and, likewise, highlight the positive points.

See beyond the obvious
Many times we are sure that our infrastructure is in optimal condition, and that our staff provides a good service, however when we observe carefully, read the comments of the guests or simply perceive that the clients do not return, we think that in something we may be failing. It is time to make a decision and hire a company specialized in service evaluations, which will help us detect the points to improve and identify what we are doing well to continue on the right track.

The mystery guest will make a thorough report in which he will detail dates, times, names, attitudes, personal appearance, cleaning details, facilities, as well as may include photos, videos and voice recordings.

The reports made by the mystery guest should be read positively; that is, these reports are not attacks, they are tools that indicate and measure the service we are providing. The reports do not tell us "you are doing things wrong" but on the contrary, they tell us what things we are doing well so that we continue on that path and in what aspects we can improve, they will also help us establish service standards and procedures.

The evaluations will be telephone, face-to-face, via email, proposing different scenarios. They will include the details of each step taken by the staff in the service chain, in addition to each place in the establishment.

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Evaluators will identify gaps in procedures and control. In addition, they will observe if the staff need training to perform their functions, they will recognize if the processes are carried out in the right times and if the procedures are correct; they will also determine if the customer service is appropriate.

These assessments should be carried out periodically. With the results obtained we will determine the steps to follow, training the staff, establishing procedures and standards.

In constant observation
After we have detected the problems and corrected them, we will evaluate again. Another evaluation? For what purpose? If we already know our faults and they have been corrected... Yes, another evaluation is required! At this stage it is a follow-up audit, analyzing whether the staff follows the given indications, applies the teachings, performs the established procedures and standards, determining if the facilities have improved.


The evaluation flow is as follows:

1. We will accept that there are points that we must change and improve, even if we do not yet identify what they are, whether in the customer service, services or products we offer, and facilities

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2. If we do not identify the points of improvement, let's hire a company expert in evaluations to hotels and restaurants, which will send its qualified staff for this purpose: mystery guest.

3. We will read carefully and in a very positive way the report of the evaluator, what he found and the suggestions he gives us.

4. We will meet with our collaborators and talk about what we have found in the different areas. Brainstorming.

5. It is time for improvements, establish or modify processes and procedures, applying what was agreed and born from brainstorming.

6. Prove that what is applied really works. Collect information from guests, diners and staff.

7. Again the mystery guest. The evaluator will tell us if the staff is really carrying out the changes, performing the established procedures and applying the service standards.

8. We will read the new evaluator's report. What you found and the new suggestions you give us.
And so we will continue with the cycle, turning it into a constant evaluation, which should never be interrupted, since guests and diners always change, trends vary. If we want to stay in the market, we have to evaluate the tastes of the customers and also our service.

We must open our minds and allow companies outside ours, such as specialists in mystery guests, to tell us what they see, what they think, tell us what we can change, what we can improve, not take their comments and suggestions badly, let's give the opportunity to a specialist in the subject to help us, and let's give ourselves the opportunity to be the best in the industry.

We need a neutral point of view, one that is unbiased, and most important of all, let's not take any personal comments. Positive or negative comments are gifts, opportunities for improvement, and if they come from a specialist, the better!

Mystery guests are our best friends, we all want the hotel and restaurant industry to be the best in the world, we constantly evaluate our products and services, for our sake and that of our guests and diners.

* Hotel Solutions Manager MVH SAC. She can be contacted at the email [email protected] and on the portal

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