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Ekotectura 2012 begins

Comienza Ekotectura 2012From today until October 13, the third Latin American Meeting of Sustainable Architecture will be held in Colombia. This year the motto of the event is "Challenges of Sustainability in the city of the XXI century", the objective of this theme is to draw the attention of the attendees to the vital importance of sustainable constructions in the current context, which preserve a deep respect for the environment and for the human being.

This meeting is organized by the Colombian Academy of Architecture and Design and the magazine Exkema, specialized in disseminating good practices of architecture.


As expected by the organization of the Ecuentro, the expectation of attendance is around 3,000 people, coming from very varied audiences: engineers, architects, builders, manufacturers of supplies, ordinary people and experts from all over the world.

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It should be noted that the meeting will also be attended by professionals recognized in the guild of architecture, such is the case of the Dutch johan Johan Van Lengen, author of the praised work The manual of the barefoot architect, material of obligatory consultation in the main faculties of architecture of the world and considered the founder of Bio-architecture.


Likewise, Bruno Stagno, known as 'The Tropical Architect', whose works are focused on sustainability and empathy between nature and constructions, will attend.


Along with them will be present the main architects of Colombia accompanied by specialists from countries such as Holland, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela and Chile, among others.


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The event will feature more than 90 exhibitors with 104 presentations. There will be conferences, conversations, workshops and workshops, the event will have 13 rooms with simultaneous presentations and will also have a commercial exhibition.


Ekotectura 2012 is endorsed by institutions such as the Seine, UN Habitat, World White Forest (WWF), Natura Foundation, Proexport Colombia and the International Council of Bioclimatic Architecture, among others.


In 2011 Ekotectura gathered 2,165 attendees and more than 90 companies gathered to propose solutions, provide alternatives and show their commitment to sustainability, architecture, design and construction.


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The event also links sectors associated with renewable energy, water efficiency and maintenance, service providers for construction and maintenance, building finishes, the commercialization of equipment, machinery and construction materials, among other market segments.



Lyda Durango
Author: Lyda Durango
Marketing Services

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