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Hilton Bogotá turns one year old


Hilton BogotáAfter a year of resuming its history in the local market, the Hilton Bogotá completes its first 365 days of positive operation and with optimistic prospects.


With its opening, it generated 180 direct jobs, more than 200 indirect jobs and has the support of 30 additional employees, who work under the outsourced services scheme, forming a team of more than 400 people.  In this regard, Luis Perillo, general manager of the hotel highlights: "there was no need to bring staff from other hotels of the brand, 99 percent of our human talent is local."

- Publicidad -


The hotel's operating profits grew by a quarter above budget, which confirms its strength during this first year of operation.  In addition, it hopes to play a leading role in the permanent progress of the Colombian hotel sector.  "Expectations are becoming more and more demanding.  Our commitment to maintaining leadership in the hospitality industry, in which Hilton is a pioneer in the world, and to continually contributing to the development of the local industry, through our services and the brand's track record, is much greater."


With 245 rooms, in the heart of the city, just a few steps from the fun area and the financial area, which includes some of the best shopping centers, theaters, museums and the G and T zones; Hilton Bogotá has become one of the best options for a business trip or spend a few days of rest in the capital.


"The demand for rooms has had an excellent performance, which reflects the high level of customer satisfaction and the generation of a good perception of the hotel in the market," says Perillo.


- Publicidad -

Additionally, "spaces such as La Ventana Restaurant, the Devotion Coffee Pharmacy and the Levels bar, have managed to transform the conventional vision that was had of the services offered in the hotels, which being available to visitors and tourists, and not exclusively for guests as used to happen a few years ago, have managed to take an important participation in the gastronomic and entertainment offer of the city". Add Perillo.


As part of the commitment to expand its presence in Latin America, including Bogotá in its radar as a vital market, Hilton Worldwide decided to revive its history in the Colombian capital, where the brand was present years ago. "Reopening the Hilton Bogotá 20 years later, with the fortune of having within our staff people of experience or with the right attitude, in addition to the boom that the hotel industry has had and the favorable economic growth that Bogotá has presented in recent years, are conditions that have made it possible for the return of the brand to have been successful."


Hilton Bogotá has developed various activities as part of its commitment to the sustainability of the communities where the brand has a presence. In the framework of the commemoration of its first anniversary, and the Global Week of Service celebrated by Hilton Worldwide, it leads an initiative, in partnership with Corposéptima, the District Secretariat of Mobility and the Botanical Garden, in which it seeks to beautify the corridor of the Seventh Race, between 72nd and 76th streets, through a day of gardening in the separator of this road, which will take place over the coming months.

Lyda Durango
Author: Lyda Durango
Marketing Services

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