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Hotel Management is now Building Management

Gerencia de EdificiosDuring the last eight years, Gestión de Hoteles magazine has witnessed the evolution of the hotel market in Latin America.


Almost a decade has allowed the publication, leader in information on administration and management of hotel establishments, to register, analyze and disseminate the main advances and the most relevant facts of the segment of hotel operation in Latin America.


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Ruta N Medellín

The hospitality market has evolved rapidly and the methods and

Processes for managing such a building have changed as technology advances in the world.


At the pace of this development, Hotel Management has wanted to keep pace with the latest trends in technological implementation, sustainable and eco-friendly construction, building management and maintenance and expand its gaze towards other industries that, such as the hotel industry, are eager for this type of information and thirsty for knowledge on these issues.


For that reason, from today Hotel Management will become Building Management and, preserving the quality of its contents and the rigor in its information and analysis, it will cover the commercial, industrial and institutional industries, considering the operation of properties as a practice applicable to any building in any market.

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This change is not only pertinent, taking into account the north towards which building management is directed today, but also beneficial for the market in general, since it opens up the field of action of systems, equipment, processes and procedures that due to ignorance have been considered exclusive to a single segment.


This creates a synergy of knowledge, professions and trades and takes advantage of them by being able to take them as an example and apply them to a particular industry.


Support for TecnoEdificios and AGEM
Reunión de AGEM 2012Following this initiative and hand in hand with the magazines Gestión de Hoteles, ACR Latinoamérica and Ventas de Seguridad, the Association of Modern Building Managers (AGEM) was born a year ago, aimed at discussing the main issues of the guild, as well as grouping, training and updating administrators, managers and owners of buildings on various issues concerning the operation of the same properties.

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Together, AGEM and Building Management are the organizers and main pillars of the TecnoEdificios Congress, which on November 8 and 9, 2012 reached its third edition in the city of Medellín, Colombia.

The event, which took place at the Plaza Mayor Exhibition and Convention Center, had an academic agenda of professional stature and participation in its training program of more than

TecnoEdificios 2012

100 people from all countries in the region. Likewise, it held a large commercial exhibition where the most outstanding companies in the administration, management and technological implementation of buildings exhibited their products and services.


This is therefore the welcome to a publication with greater ambitions, which seeks to solve the needs and information gaps currently suffered by the building management market in Latin America and which plans to grow thanks to the professional and intellectual contribution of its readers and their active participation, both in AGEM and in the new Building Management: a change given for the common good.

Lyda Durango
Author: Lyda Durango
Marketing Services

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