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Getting to know coca-Cola offices

Oficina Coca-ColaInnovation in office design is common in large companies. Corporate spaces become not only a space to work but also the stage to convey corporate values and motivate employees.

By Alejandra García Vélez

The Coca Cola offices located in Carrera 45 with 103 in Bogotá, are a space designed for 90 people that tried to reflect in its design the corporate values of this representative brand. To learn more about this office established at the end of 2011, Building Management spoke with those in charge of its design and implementation, AEI – Architecture and Interiors.

According to AEI, the project developed on two floors represents in general trends of new ways of working: open offices, new work methodologies, better communication and ecological awareness, through new materials and communicative elements.  

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The design is characterized by starting with an access hall in handmade oak wood and a ceiling made of  pine wood that represents the waves of Coca Cola. All this in contrast to a large red volume (videoconferencing rooms) that rises in the void from one floor to another. In addition. Clear and natural materials such as stone and marble were used to create a quiet space where there are three rooms in wood and glass, as well as a red metal staircase, industrial type.

It is also worth noting that the project, which houses 90 people in 2,400 square meters, focused from its conception on obtaining LEED certification.

Words of the protagonists

Building Management: Could you describe in detail what the project consists of and what kind of systems were implemented?

Architecture and Interiors: This project began with the intention of obtaining a LEED certification since it was conceived, so the technical designs had intervention to verify that from the beginning the conditions met the requirements. With the green light, at each phase of the project it was verified that all conditions were being strictly met.

The Coca Cola project had a special focus on the whole part of light automation and air conditioning. Systems were implemented that allowed them to be turned off or on only when they are going to be used. Ultra-efficient and water-saving equipment was used in the faucets and bathrooms.

One of the most relevant points of this project is that the location of the offices helps to have a high score in the chapter of closeness to the community. This means that when a project is close to transport routes (other than the car), restaurants, banks, medical centers, shops, drugstores, etc., the score is higher. The Coca Cola project has several bus routes and the Transmilenio very close, as well as multiple options to encourage the use of bicycles. 

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GDE: What drove the end customer to carry out this project?

AEI: Clients wanted design elements to create a creative and pleasant space for their collaborators. As well as that it reflected the essence of the brand. The idea in the design was to inspire his collaborators.

GDE: What were the main innovations or design features used in this property.

AEI: Certain aspects serve as inspiration and translate into materials and architectural elements: a red container, a rustic wooden box, a large red bottle, antique posters and other elements that evoke the beginnings of the brand.

The project is focused on giving a better quality of life to its employees, and meeting technical comfort specifications. For example, the air quality is optimal, it is constantly being renewed, smoking is prohibited in the offices and 25 feet from any window of the building, in addition 40% more air enters than is needed.

GDE: What materials and techniques were used?

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AEI: As for the materials it is important to note that 10% of the material used in the project is extracted and produced in Colombia, all paints and coatings are free of VOC, with all the materials during the work there was special care and techniques to ensure that when installed there is no contamination in the environment and prevent side effects on the collaborators.

In addition, the construction materials were recycled or reused. In addition to all the materials designed to be more sustainable, it was also sought that they will recreate the essence of the Coca Cola brand.

GDE: What were the reasons for choosing those materials or designs?

AEI: All architectural projects should work with materials that have sustainable seals or certifications. Construction is the second most polluting activity on the planet and this people do not know. Therefore, in Architecture and Interiors in each of the projects we strive to maintain sustainable parameters regardless of whether we are working with a project that seeks to be certified or not. Coca Cola was no exception, in every phase of the project, including the selection, suppliers and use of materials, we were always responsible.

GDE: Tell us about the system and equipment chosen for the project

AEI: These offices have a good measurement and verification system (thermostats to control air, heat and lighting controls), have toilets, showers and ultra-efficient taps, lighting with sensors, time control to turn the light on or off, ultra-efficient air conditioning.

GDE: What advantages have you found in this process, or how has the end customer benefited?

AEI: Sustainable offices allow you to see economic results quickly. The return on investment can be quickly reflected in administrative bills such as water or electricity. Still many companies see the option of becoming certified as a very high cost, but really the internal and economic benefits can be perceived quickly.

GDE: As for LEED Certification, what steps were taken to achieve this certification.

AEI: Having carried out the different activities mentioned above, we achieved that Coca Cola obtained a score of 54 points necessary to reach the LEED Silver category. It is worth noting that 20% savings in water consumption and 20% energy savings were achieved.

Lyda Durango
Author: Lyda Durango
Marketing Services

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