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Health and safety tips, beyond management

Colombia.  Grupo Eulen presents some unmissable maxims to prevent work accidents or occupational diseases, in this way it contributes to the well-being and quality of life of employees. Promoting safe labor practices is essential for the proper functioning of companies.

Aligned with these objectives, companies have had to be governed by Decree 1072 of 2015 and the regulations in force in Colombia on the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SG-OSH) for companies and their workers. 

Comments Oliva Rico, HR Director. HH of Eulen Colombia "working for the well-being of employees fosters high levels of physical, mental and social well-being". Consequently, not only the company benefits but also its employees, the principles on which this strategy has been based are based on the PHVA cycle (Plan, Do, Verify and Act) and include the policy, organization, planning, application, evaluation, audit and improvement actions, "says Rico based on the model used by Eulen Colombia.

In this sense, some tips to prevent work accidents are announced:

  • Awareness activities: Plan activities that allow the sensitization of the staff in the commitment to self-care and development of their activities with safety standards.
  • Health and safety team: Generate a team with supervisors, coordinators, occupational health and safety personnel, to identify unsafe acts and conditions that can be timely reported.
  • Inspection of the work area: Carry out reviews of the workstations through a checklist where operational controls are verified such as labeling of chemical substances, safety sheets of chemical products, presence of extinguishers in the work area, among others.
  • Inspection of work equipment: Perform controls on the personal protection elements of workers, machines, equipment, tools, fire extinguishers, medicine cabinets, spill kit and vehicles (2 or 4 wheels).
  • Action plans: Carry out action plans to give adequate processing to the finding detected in the case of unsafe conditions.
  • Incident Reporting: Make reports of work incidents and then schedule investigations of the event with a qualified person to perform an analysis of the causes that generated the event.
  • Disclosure: Unsafe acts should be disclosed to co-workers through billboards, posters, or other mechanisms that allow the worker to internalize the lesson learned and prevent its recurrence. 
- Publicidad -

The Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SG-OSH) can be evidenced in companies with preventive and occupational medicine activities, with occupational medical examinations of entry, periodic and retirement. Also promotional activities such as cardiovascular screening, days of active group breaks, visual health days, among others which are good ideas to promote much safer and more enjoyable work environments. 

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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