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Keys to bet on smart buildings

Mexico. If someone were given a choice between two smartphones and five landlines for work purposes, what would they choose? Let's go in parts: although five is obviously greater than two, how much difference there is between the words smart and fixed. Let's see, the term smart or intelligent refers to the ability to fulfill more than one function and solve more than one need.


In the example of the phone, when talking about work purposes, this device can well be used to make calls, such as instant messenger, internet browser, mailbox, social media manager, camera, video, geolocator and any other function available in the application store.


- Publicidad -

On the other hand, the five landlines are very important for making and receiving calls. Nothing else. For work purposes, it is necessary to hire a switch and, most importantly, to fulfill its purpose, they need a person sitting next to the device: perhaps this can happen in an average working hours: from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.


On a different scale, the same thing happens with buildings. One of the great trends worldwide is the construction of smart cities, where transport systems, communication networks, infrastructure, processes and government, among other aspects, are connected.


From whatever angle you look at, buildings are the face of a city. It is the first impression and, in many cases, the constructions are the landmarks of a place. But it's not just about high-end architectural pieces, it's about smart buildings.


How to manage smart buildings

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Unlike conventional construction, the design of a smart building includes automated features, ranging from saving energy and natural resources, to state-of-the-art safety and comfort measures. That's why Jaime Jimenez, CEO of Trane, explains two essential reasons to join this trend.


"The objective is to promote a new culture of decision-making of building owners and managers based on the correct study of energy consumption data on property occupancy and heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment," he says.


"It's about turning the buildings where we live, work and learn into reliable, safe, healthy, comfortable and efficient spaces. Thus achieving greater productivity and profitability. It is necessary to implement changes in the quality of life by creating comfortable and sustainable environments"; Adds.

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While large cities are the main candidates to strengthen this trend, the specialist points out that the benefits of smart buildings are exactly the same for any region of the country. Just to cite a couple of facts, it puts on the table the examples of Mexico City and Guadalajara, the two most populated cities in the country.


In Mexico City, there are approximately 7 million square meters of office buildings; of these, 3 million are classified as B and C, that is, they do not have the level of automation or intelligence. The other 4 million correspond to buildings A or A+, which have some level of intelligence in terms of automation, security or infrastructure.


On the other hand, the city of Guadalajara has a population growth rate of 1.7% per year, according to INEGI and has been selected to host the smart development: Digital Creative City, a project that will grant a wide range of benefits at the national level and will be able to materialize the construction of a cluster of creative companies that will promote the development of the country and place it within the world economy.


Sustainability, efficiency and savings


Today, almost 40% of a company's electricity bills are for lighting. Figures from the National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy (Conuee) estimate that best practices in the design of the envelope and lighting of buildings can save 40% of the energy use of a building; conversely, bad practices can increase it 90% and the envelope of a building costs those who use it up to 100 pesos for each square meter, per year. In Mexico, this agency has 29 Official Mexican Standards (NOM) of energy efficiency for materials and equipment.


The main trends in this line are focused on starting this move in access control, to guarantee the security and flow of people entering an enclosure: not only with entry card options, but to open doors, activate services and locate people.


Also in terms of closed circuit television, in order to monitor at all times the activity both inside and outside the buildings. Importantly, today, technologies make it possible to track movement and heat. All for greater security.


On the other hand, ventilation, heating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are essential to regulate the temperatures of the place and offer a pleasant atmosphere to the occupants. Not only for reasons of heat or cold but for the circulation of oxygen and redistribution of gases that could be harmful, mainly when the buildings are in contact with contaminated environments.


It is important not to forget the lighting systems, since light is essential to create adequate atmospheres according to the activities that will be carried out in a building. In this sense, sensors that determine light and sound levels are essential.


Finally, it is essential to emphasize that, according to the Mexican Institute of Intelligent Buildings (IMEI), these constructions must be highly flexible and adaptable, that is, able to relate to the costs and changes required by residents.


They must also be strictly energy efficient; they must be able to provide an eco-friendly, efficient and safe environment. In the case of a corporate building, for example, a smart building must provide the conditions to maximize the efficiency and productivity of work, mainly in terms of comfort.


And in the vast majority of cases, your processes must be fully automated, in such a way that the operation is optimal and its management is practical and effective.


In Mexico, companies like Trane are committed to caring for the environment and provide solutions tailored to each company in terms of Air Conditioning and Heating, as well as the opportunity to turn a space into a sustainable and comfortable place.


Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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