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Costa Rica: a new partnership on the FM map

Costa Rica. From November 8 to 11, Facility Management Week took place in San José. During those days, professionals from the sector met with a common interest: the development of FM in the region. 

In Costa Rica, as in most Latin American countries, Facility Management is still in potential growth. However, the discipline has a greater advance than in other regions, mainly due to the presence of large multinationals located there that have taken their management models to the international level locally.

In a country highly concerned about the environmental situation, the event opened with guided tours of two of the LEED-certified buildings in the Commercial Interiors category in Costa Rica: Schneider-Electric (Platinum) and Roche (Gold). 

The agenda of the event continued with the day of forums and conferences and that day all attendees could share with other professionals their experiences in the performance of their activity and the day-to-day reality they face in their organizations.

- Publicidad -

It began with the forum on the creation of the local Association of Facility Management, one of the main objectives of the LSDFM event. The initiative was accepted with great enthusiasm and participation and began with the creation of a provisional committee formed by Adrián Chaves (Vention Medical), Orlando Murillo (GBC-CR), Raquel Delgadillo (CFIA), Ricardo Villalobos (Render U) and Victor Villarrreal (Samtec) that will propose the guidelines to carry out the first general meeting scheduled at the end of the month with all those interested in participating in the project.

Costa Rica will be part of the newly created associations organized as a result of the LSDFM event as was the case of Panama, Peru, Chile, Colombia or Mexico.    

Another objective of the event is to generate the discussion platform for the participation of Costa Rica in the ISO FM standard and the forum for the creation of the association was followed by the standardization forum with the participation of Alexandra Rodríguez, Director of Standardization of INTECO who opened the debate on the situation of standardization in the country and the possible inclusion of Costa Rica as a mirror committee, increasing the participation it already has at the international level. 

Large companies such as Vention Medical, GBC-CR, Emerson, Hewlett-Packard, GFT, Schneider-Electric, Cargill, Chiquita and Citi were the protagonists of the conferences. All the videos of the presentations and interviews will be available in the CIFMers APP, where you can freely view the experiences shared at the event and learn from the best professionals in the sector.

The end of the event was carried out by David Martínez, director of the FMHOUSE Institute with a specialized training course in Facility Management, on Introduction to FM and Management Tools, whose content is an extract from the International Online Master of FM Management certified by the Institute itself.

With the closing of a new edition of LSDFM, CIFMERS GLOBAL as organizer of the event, continues to position itself as the platform that promotes the development of Facility Management at an international level. Generating alliances in the sector and putting its professionals in contact,  the discipline will be more recognized inside and outside the organizations and the creation of a new association is the reflection of that consolidation and the energy that exists to promote a booming profession.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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