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Breakers and how to protect their efficiency

Colombia. Schneider Electric teaches the importance of keeping power distribution boards and their components in good condition. Did you know that the 'breakers' or Power Switches, also known colloquially as the "energy tacos", are those devices that are only missed when they do not work?

For this reason, it is essential to perform continuous maintenance in order to extend its useful life, operating reliably and safely in your home or office. These switches should always work to prevent short circuits and overloads. Therefore, it is necessary to know about its operation and important recommendations for the care of them.

Switches are designed to fulfill a specific function, which is to interrupt the flow of energy when there is an anomalous condition in the flow and distribution of it. This allows the correct operation of devices and appliances, receiving the correct energy measurement. In case of not being able to distribute it, the flow will be interrupted, requiring a review to evaluate its conditions of care and measurement to avoid more serious damage.

To ensure its correct operation, take into account the following indications:

- Publicidad -

1. Seek expert advice: electrical networks are a fundamental element for the well-being and quality of life of the inhabitants of a house, building or commercial establishment, for this reason it is vital to have experts who know how to handle the devices and perform the installations properly.

2. Do not improvise: think prospectively to solve the present and future problems that may arise in your energy network and attend to each of them from the installation of the equipment in the network.

3. Use the right equipment: in many cases the 'Breaker' does not support a very strong energy demand from an appliance or electrical equipment, such as electric showers, compressors, welding equipment, among others. In these cases it is recommended not only to use the correct device, but also to redesign the electrical energy distribution network and make a circuit that allows the right electrical fluid for each device.

4. Check the breakers regularly: depending on the use and geographical location of the building, it is advisable to carry out a periodic review, once every month or once every quarter. If your breakers have constant jumps, call your electrician. Also turn them on and off regularly to analyze their performance.

5. Check the network: in many cases, a 'breaker' is triggered by the overloads generated by the intensive or excessive use of your devices in a single socket, as well as by short circuits. These actions cause the circuits to overheat and put the entire installation at risk.

6. Check mains sockets and switches: Examine the connections to determine if they are tight, this alert if they present excessive heat or burning smell. If you find any risk indicators, do not hesitate to make the necessary adjustments and changes with a certified electrician.

In addition to performing proper maintenance, it is necessary to have quality electrical installations, built with certified products and guaranteed for your well-being. It is also important that you always seek the assistance of certified electricians with experience in installing and maintaining switches, experts you can turn to in any situation and/or emergency.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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