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Stadiums save 65% energy thanks to LED lighting

International. In the sports facilities it is essential to have good lighting conditions so that players, fans and television media can enjoy the show. In this sense, more and more football stadiums are renewing their lighting and opting for technologies that contribute to reducing the cost of their energy bills. 

This is the case of the Biscayan Football Federation and the Nándor Hidegkuti stadium in Budapest (Hungary), which have relied on Schréder-Socelec and its solutions to improve their facilities and obtain energy savings of 65%.

The Biscayan Football Federation, the entity that oversees the football championship of this Basque region, decided to undertake renovation works in the lighting of the football fields of Munguía and Retuerto. The main objective of the Federation was to achieve an improvement in the quality and reliability of lighting, reducing energy consumption and minimizing maintenance costs, all with a rapid return on investment.

To meet the requirements of the Federation, Schréder-Socelec, in collaboration with Saltoki and Electrificaciones Radimer, carried out an improvement plan based on preserving the existing facilities in perfect use and replacing old HID type projectors with OMNIstar LEDs.

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In the Munguía field a 100% LED installation was carried out while in Retuerto the new lighting is mixed, LED in the training area and Stadialux 2000 W in the competition area. In both cases, the installation has been equipped with a surge protection that protects all the LED projectors and that, therefore, achieve the levels set by the UNE-EN 12193.

The LED luminaire chosen for these football fields is OMNIstar, a high-performance alternative for HID projectors, equipped with advanced technology, long service life and minimal maintenance costs. It provides high-quality light with high visual comfort, excellent uniformity and effective thermal management for both players and spectators.

This luminaire can also integrate the Owlet range, a control solution with regulation system to ensure that the lighting adapts to the real needs of the installation, reducing power consumption and generating energy savings.

At the Nándor Hidegkuti football stadium in Budapest, Schréder-Socelec has installed the OMNIblast luminaire, which has controllers programmed for greater energy efficiency.
The objective of the project was to offer an LED alternative with proven advantages over traditional devices equipped with lamps, guaranteeing the high levels of horizontal and vertical lighting necessary to meet the strict requirements, thanks to its modular concept of optical units, which allows 1, 2 or 3 modules to be mounted on the same fixing fork, offering maximum versatility when it comes to providing photometric distributions and light packages perfectly adapted to the specifications of the area to be illuminated.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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